Chapter 46

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OMG! OMG! I JUST REALIZED THIS STORY IS OFFICIALLY A NOVEL! So a novel requires at least 60,000 words! This story just hit 71,095 words!!!! (Of course that includes my author notes... BUT STILL!!! This is definitely the longest story I've ever written! And thanks to all of your support I'll actually finish it too! I normally have a hard time finding something that motivates me but after starting this fic I've learned that the thing that motivates me the most is having people, outside of my family, reading and commenting on my story! Waking up every day and knowing I have you guys' comments to look forward to reading really pushes me to write more! All of you, think you for sticking with this story for nearly three years now! Even when I get stuck with writers block for months at a time and it feels like I've abandoned this story. I promise, no mater what, I will not abandon this story even if it takes a year to get past writers block on it! (Which is getting really close for my story, A Pirate's Secret, I swear I'll get back to that one at some point... after I figure out were to start the next chapter (I need to time skip again and can decide where it's going to be at).




"Ichiji, would you sit down! This is getting really annoying," Yonji said getting annoyed by Ichiji's pacing. It wasn't the pacing that was annoying him exactly, it was the fact that Yonji had a hold of his arm trying to keep him from leaving the kitchen.

💢"If you would let go of my arm then maybe I would"💢

"And let you try sneaking off to kill Sanji for a third time. I don't think so."

"The chain in your fingers are pinching me."

"Stop complaining. It's annoying me too."

Ichiji shot a glare at Yonji before reaching up and trying to loosen Yonji's grip on his arm.

"Really? I know you know that's not going to work."

"You're a pain in the ass."

"Not being able to go against Dad's orders is a pain in the ass."

"Ichiji!" Niji said slamming the door open. "You need to get to the crows nest. The others are coming back to the ship."

"OUCH!" Yonji said as his arm and fingers snapped back into place.

"Shit," Ichiji said turning to Yonji. "Sorry."

The mare implication that Sanji was coming back to the ship caused his enhancements to activate on their own and Yonji's hand got the brunt of it.

"That freaking hurt, damn it! Why did you tell him that Niji!"

"Because its the truth...?" Niji replied but it sounded like a question rather than a statement. "Just hurry up and get to the crows nest or something! Dad did a number on...uh... you-know-who... and Chopper has to bring him to his office...."

"Saying 'you-know-who'  didn't help...." Ichiji said as the sparks of light intensified. 

"Well I'm trying here!"

"Why can't they just use the back door?" Yonji asked. (Let's just fix the mistakes I made on a previous chapter about the location of Choppers office... It's behind the kitchen with two entrances... not beside the kitchen.... I'll have to rewrite that part and have Law peak his head out from around the corner jester to Sanji to "come here" have Sanji fallow him but Law teleported himself into Choppers office. When Sanji gets to the door Law sticks his arm out and pulls Sanji in really fast.... Or something like that... Lol)

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