Chapter 26

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(I don't have a picture to go with this chapter yet but I'll try to get one soon. It's just been way too long since the last chapter so I'm uploading it now instead of after getting the picture like I normally do.)

Sanji and his siblings woke early the next morning, enhancements still not returned. Unlike before, Chopper wasn't waiting for them to wake.

"You think your friends are ready to leave?" Niji asked as they walked to the dining hall.

"More than likely. I think I can safely say that Luffy is and probably Marimo. Usopp will probably come up with some excuse to why he can't go.... 'Luffy, I think I'm coming down with 'I can't go help fight Sanji's dad or I'll die disease'," Sanji mocked.

They all laughed.

"But then he'll more than likely get all freaked out, being left alone with your solders as soon as we set sail and run to the edge of Germa where Luffy will have to grab him and pull him onto the Sunny with his Gum-Gum Usopp rescue...."

"That's not really a thing... Is it?" Ichiji asked, a tad bit concerned.

"No," Sanji chuckled. "I made it up. But Luffy does have this really bad habit of grabbing us from a really far distance and send us flying towards him.... You get used to it after awhile but it's still annoying... annnnd sometimes painfull."

"I can see annoying... but how's it painfull?" Niji asked as they walked up to the dining hall doors.

"Lets put it this way... Sometimes I think Luffy thinks he's playing a game of Rubber Man Bowling or human dominos... or human darts.... Something like that anyways. Although if he ever hurts Nami-Swan or Robin-Chwan doing that, I'll kick his ass!" Sanji said opening one of the doors.

"SAAAAANNJIIIII!" Luffy hollered, rocketing over to his friend.

He would have tackled Sanji in the process but the blond had Sky Walked out of the way. Instead, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji were now piled on top of each other, with Luffy sitting on them.

"Hehehe, Sorry," Luffy laughed, grabbing his hat off the floor and getting to his feet.

"You don't sound sorry!" Yonji said through clenched teeth.

"Does he ever?" Sanji teased as he landed behind his rubbery captain while Reiju silently chuckled.

"Not having an exoskeleton really sucks. That hurt," Niji complained,rubbing the back of his head.

"SANJI!" came a high pitched, angry (yet adorable), reindeer's voice from behind the blond. "I thought I told you NO SKY WALKING!"

"Sky Walk has nothing to do with genetic enhancements!" Sanji said turning on his heels to face Chopper.

"I don't care! No Sky Walk, no fighting Zoro, no kicking Luffy for stealing food, nothing! As soon as we set sail the five of you are resting!"

"We've rested long enough," Ichiji said, picking Chopper up by the back of his shirt as he walked to the table, followed by his siblings.

"Alright, looks like everyone is here."

"NAMI-SWAAAAAAAN!!!" Sanji said running to the Navigator, with hearts in his eyes, who had just entered the dinning hall with Sora, Cosette, Robin, Brook, and Franky.

"Hi Sanji-kun. Feeling any better today?"

"I am now that you're here!"

"Love sick moron."


"Zoro, Sanji! I just said no fighting!"


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