Chapter 39

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"Yonji.... What are you doing in Sanji's locker?" Chopper asked when he entered the boys dorm.

"Looking for this," he said closing the door and holding up Sanji's coat. "He's been cold every sense Dad took our enhancements but he doesn't seem to want to tell anyone or let them see it. If he's going to insist on going to the Island with us then he should at least try to stay warm."

"Yeah, I've noticed that too," Chopper sighed, turning his gaze to the floor.

"He'll be fine." Yonji said placing a hand on Chopper's head. Chopper looked up to see he was smiling down at him.

"Yeah, Sanji's strong," he smiled.

"I've seen stronger," Yonji teased before walking to the door. "Sanji, where you at Shorty?!"

"I'm not short!"

"I beg to differ," he teased walking over to his older brother who was holding a basket for Nami as she picked tangerines from her trees.

"Deactivate your Reid Suit," he ordered, holding Sanji's coat behind his back.

Sanji stared at him, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why?" He asked the younger brother.

"Just do it."

Ichiji came up behind Yonji. Taking the coat but keeping it hidden behind Yonji, so his hands would be free for the reaction both of them were anticipating the third brother was about to have.

"No. As soon as I do you're going to hit me with whatever it is you have hidden behind your back. Besides Chopper said we have to leave them on."

There it was, the reply the three brothers expected. Niji, who was laying on the deck helping Cosette put a puzzle together (yes a puzzle that's about all I could think of leave me alone! Lol), stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"I don't have anything!" Yonji said, holding his now free hands up defensively.

"Chopper said~"

"When do any of you idiots ever listen to me? It's fine for now! Just take it off!" Chopper interrupted.

Sanji sighed, somewhat annoyed with his brother and the reindeer and somewhat relieved to get out of his Reid Suit.

"Wow he actually listened," he said looking down to Chopper before taking the coat back from Ichiji and throwing it at Sanji's face saying, "put that on icicle."

"You liers!" Sanji said removing the coat from his head and looking down at it. "YOU WENT THROUGH MY STUFF!!!! AND WHY THE HELL WOULD I PUT A COAT ON IN THIS WEATHER?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'ICICLE'?!"

"Anybody here that is in their right mind can see that you've been about froze sense you lost your enhancements."

"N-no I haven't."

Yonji cocked a curled brow. "Oh? Then why do you shutter every time you touch something even the slightest bit cold?"

"I don't!"

Not even a second after Sanji said that something hard and ice cold touched the back of his neck.

"Ouch!" He said jumping away to find Niji standing behind him with a frozen water bottle.

"I rest my case," Yonji said.

"STEATH'S BACK!" Niji said happily, throwing his hands in the air.

"NO BODY CARES!" Ichiji said punching him on the top of his head. "Hey my light's back!"

"I noticed," Niji said rubbing the top of his head where Ichiji's spark filled fist had punched him.

"Light? I thought your enhancements were explosions," Nami said.

"Technically, I use both. At the time you guys were they enemy so I wasn't going to let you see everything I'm capable of."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"What the hell! I want my straight back!"

"Sucks to be the two youngest huh?" Niji laughed.

"WE'RE THE SAME AGE!" Sanji and Yonji said.

"If it had anything to do with our age, mine would have been the first to start returning," Reiju said grabbing the two older brothers by the ear as she walked past and to the edge of the ship to embark on the island.

"Ow, ow, ow," Niji said.

"Reiju! Stop, that hurts!"

"Where do you three think you're going?" Sanji asked.

Reiju turned to look at Sanji's as she let go of her other brothers' ears.

"The island. Where else? We have to go see if Dad is still here."

"You four can't go," Sanji said blankly.

"Why not?" They asked.

"We have just as much right to kick his ass as you do!" Yonji said.

"Niji and Ichiji's enhancements are coming back! We have no idea if Your's and Reiju's are or not and I'd rather not find out that they are because Judge gave you guys an order!"

Reiju sighed, "he's right. There is absolutely no way to know if that one came back or not unless we're in earshot of Dad and he gives us an order. There's no way we'd be able to fight him if that enhancement is back."

"Damnit," Ichiji muttered, knowing Sanji was right.

"What are we gonna do, Ichi?" Niji asked turning to his older brother.

"Nami's getting a room for Sanji to rest in. Mom, Cosette, and the old geezer are staying with him so I guess we got no choice but to stay there too."

"Damnit, and I really wanted to kick his ass too!" Niji said.

"You two have too think about the fact that even though they're coming back, you can't control them right now," Chopper said to Niji. "That could get you both killed."


"You showed it to me," Niji said looking at the water bottle in his hand.


"Yes you did. Remember, yesterday? Yonji wanted food and you refused to give us the combination and insisted on unlocking it yourself. You could barely walk on your own...."

"Dang it, Niji! I swear if you tell that to any, especially Luffy, I swear I'll kill you! Especially if you tell Luffy!!!!!"

"You already said that."

"I KNOW!" He yelled subconsciously putting the coat on.

"Hey twirly-brow brothers! Are you coming or not?!"

"SHUT UP MOSS HEAD!" The four brothers said turning to the swordsman before following everyone off the ship.

"When I get my strength back, I'm throwing him all the way to the East Blue," Yonji said just loud enough for his brothers to hear.

"Mind if I help," Sanji quietly chucked.

"Only if I can too," Ichiji and Niji said simultaneously.

"Alright we'll start plotting out how we're going to do this later," Sanji said.

Reiju stopped and turned to them, she was the only one close enough to hear them. "If you're scheming to get rid of him I want in on it too."

"Alright then we're the Ditch Marino Team. And everyone who can fight is the Take Out Judge Team. And I guess Mom, Cosette, and Zeff are the Make Sure Luffy Has Plenty to Eat by the Time He's Done Team," Sanji said.

"That's too long," Niji stated.

"It's the best I got for now. Hmm?" Sanji said turning around along with everyone with observation haki.


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