Chapter 25

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("Jerk. Bitch." Reference answer SUPERNATURAL! YAY SOMEONE GOT IT! 😁 Congrats BluePheasant (and anyone who may have gotten it 😀))

Sanji sat up, removing a wet cloth from his forehead.

"Sanji, you're awake," Chopper said as he examined Ichiji, who was still sitting in the chair he fell asleep in. "Thank goodness. You guys have been out for a while now. How are you feeling?"

"Where's Nami-san?"

"Right here," Nami said, carrying a tray of food into the room. She placed the tray in front of Sanji before sitting next to him. "Eat," She added wrapping an arm around him and resting her head on his shoulder. "You haven't had anything since yesterday."


"Chopper said you guys were out awhile."

"I can't believe we slept that long," Niji said stretching his arms above his head.

"I can't believe you slept on the floor," Sanji said taking a bite of food.

"Shut up, Sanji. I didn't feel like walking any farther."

"You guys keep ignoring my question!" Chopper hollered.

"I think I can speak for all of us when I say we feel like shit," Yonji said standing and reaching down and tried to lift the chair he was in. "This sucks. I can't even lift a lousy chair."


"Who's not listening to their doctors?" Law said following Sora into the room.

"Sanji's green brother!" Chopper yelled with frustration.

"My name's Yonji!"

"As well as Winch Green," Niji added.

"That's just a stupid nickname."

"Hey Luffy!"

"Zoro! Don't!" Sanji begged the swordsman, who was now standing in the door and looked down the hallway.

Zoro glanced to Sanji with a malicious grin.

"I really don't feel like coo~"

"DARTBOARD BROWS IS AWAKE!" Zoro deliberately yelled down the corridor.

The sound of footsteps could be heard running towards the room.


"LUFFY! NO DON'T~!" Sanji hollered as his captain bounded into the room.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!" Luffy cried pouncing on the blond who quickly passed his tray of food to Nami to keep Luffy from dumping it.

"WHO THE HELL YOU CALLING DARTBOARD BROWS!" Sanji's three brothers yelled at Zoro, veins popping out for their forehead.

"I told you his nicknames were more insulting than me calling him Moss Head or Miramo."

"Sanji! I'm hungry!"

"Then go to the kitchen and ask Cosette-Chwan to make you something!"

"But I want your cooking!"

"TO BAD! Ugh, I've got a headache." Sanji whined as he leaned into Nami and rested his head on her shoulder. Nami wrapped her arm around his shoulder and rested her cheek on his hair.

"Luffy, he's not in any condition to be up cooking. Especially for you, knowing how much you eat.

"Hey Luffy?"


"When are we leaving? Have you guys got supplies?" Sanji asked, his head still on Nami's shoulder.

"Oh! That reminds me! I went to the Sunny and got these for you," Nami said pulling something out of her pocket. "Figured since you won't be cooking for a while to relieve some stress, you would need them."

"Thanks, Nami," Sanji said taking the box of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth as he pulled out his golden lighter.

Nami took the cigarette.

"Ask Chopper if it's okay first," she said seeing Sanji's disappointment.

"I don't see why it wouldn't be," Chopper said and Nami handed it back.

He lit the end of it and let out a breath of smoke. "When are we leaving?" He repeated.

"If Chopper gives you guys the okay, then tomorrow morning. We'd wait longer but you guys are right, we cannot waste time on this."

Sanji and the others nodded in agreement.

"Finish your food and get some more rest," Luffy said.

"Alright," The blond replied as Nami sat his tray back in front of him.

"I wish I was able to figure out what your father was planning," Sora said sadly, sitting next to Sanji. "I feel like I failed as your mother."

Sanji's head snapped up, "How could you say something like that? You're the best mother a kid could have."

"While I don't condone agreeing with the family failure... This is me caring... Sanji's right, Mom."

Yonji nodded.

"If anyone is to be accused of failing as our parent, it's Dad," Niji added.

"While typically we wouldn't even care if we died.... For a father to give his children abilities, that most people could only dream of having, and then take them for himself, that's just low even for Dad."

"'Low' is a major understatement, Yonji."

"You come up with a better word then!"

"Alright. Why don't you try 'a dick move'?" Sanji said cocking an eyebrow. "... No... even that is a major understatement.... Maybe.... Nope, that's still to nice.... Alright I've got nothing."

"Well yours was still better than Yonji's," Niji chuckled.

"Shut up," Yonji said throwing a pillow at Niji's face.

Sora chuckled, she was rather enjoying this new, teasing, brotherly side of her sons. "You boys really should get some more rest. Even Reiju is still sleeping."

"No I'm not. I'm just laying here listening to the civilized conversation between my four little brothers."

"Yes. It is quite nice, isn't it," Sora agreed with a smile. She stood up and walked to the door, "I'll be back after bit. I need to go talk too some of the maids and other workers about things they need to do while we're gone."

"While we're gone?" Sanji repeated. "You're coming to?"

"Of course. Do you honestly expect me to let all five of my children leave the kingdom by themselves, in this condition, to go into battle? I believe Cosette wants to come as well."

"Cosette's coming?" Niji said quickly.

"Yes, will that be a problem?"

"N-no. I was just.... Why does she want to come? It's going to be dangerous."

"She figured Sanji won't be up to cooking for a while so she'd come along to do that. Also she would like to learn a bit more on cooking from your brother."

"Cooking's not something that can be taught, it's absorbed," Sanji said taking the last bite of food.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Yonji asked.

Sanji thought for a moment before replying, "maybe I'll show you what it means. Later, though. Right now I think I'm going to lay back down for a while."


As always thank you so much for the comments and votes! I'm so glad you are enjoying this fanfic! Also I apologise that this chapter took so long. I've been haveing writers block and been really busy. Until next time sayounara! Hope you guys have a wonderful day!

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