Chapter 42

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"SANJI!" Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp cried as they ran to catch up with the group.

"What do you want?"

"IT WAS A FAKE!" They cried as tears streamed down their faces. They walked backwards to face the cook as they each held up a piece of the tin can.

"Did you really think that I would let the three of you run off with something like that?"

"But we want to try it!" They whined.


"Why not!" Luffy asked.

"Because you of all people don't need one."

"But if one of us uses it then maybe we could shoot beams!!!" They said.

"Don't be ridiculous! Franky is enough of a tricky person, we don't need any more!!"

"Sebastian! Is everything alright?" A lady said as she came up to the blue haired man and gave him a hug, interrupting the Straw Hats' disagreement.

"Yes, Dear, everything is fine," he replied, wrapping one arm around her due to the fact that he was still carrying the Vinsmoke siblings Reid Suits in the other arm.

"How is the king doing?" She asked looking up to him.

"He's been better. But I'm sure he'll recover...."

"Honey, he needs a real doctor."

"I know. But they injured almost all of the doctors in the Kingdom and killed two others."

"I'm a doctor! Please let me treat them!" Chopper repeated.

"Sebastian, who are they?" His wife asked looking to each of the Straw Hats. She gasped when she got to Reiju, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji. She stared at Sebastian in horror as she slowly backed away. "W-why are they here?!"

"It's hard to believe but I honestly don't believe they mean us any harm."

"Don't mean us harm?! Sebastian! Their king tried to kill our King and nearly succeeded!!"

"Please, Mrs. He's right, we mean no harm. I can't express how sorry I am for what my husband did here. I know~"

"Husband? You're Germa's Queen?!" Sebastian's wife interrupted.

"I am."

"Then why don't you take yourself and those monsters you call children back to Germa where you came from! Haven't you people done enough?!"

"I'm sorry, but our ride is the Straw Hat Pirate and they refuse to leave until they've made sure the injured are taken care of and everyone is well fed."

"Why? So you can poison our food and medication!"

"How much are you willing to bet Dartboard is going to try to flirt our way out of this?" Zoro whispered to the other three Vinsmoke brothers.

"As if any one would actually fall for something as stupid as that." Niji whispered back, ignoring the dartboard comment.

"I believe the word you want is 'charm'," Sanji said quietly, shoving his way past Zoro and Niji, having heard their hushed conversation. "And it works every time," he added before walking up to the lady.

"We don't need or want your so called help! So just get out of our kingdom!"

"Mademoiselle, if you don't mind my suggesting," he began with a slight bow as he held a flower out towards her that he picked before walking past Zoro and Niji. "Perhaps we could discuss this over some tea and a free first class, gourmet dinner? I promise if anybody tries to poison it, they'll be hearing from me. Not to mention I'll kill anyone who tries to poison a beautiful lady such as yourself. So how about it? You, me, and of course my beautiful Nami-swan, and I guess your husband; a candlelit seaside dinner facing the sunset? And most importantly first class gourmet food cooked by the hands of the East Blue's finest sea restaurant's top chef...." Sanji cut himself off at the sound of Zeff clearing his throat. "Eh... and when I say top chef I mean it's former sous chef..., so second top chef..., former sous chef being myself."

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