Chapter 31

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Again I don't have a picture for this chapter yet but I'll get one as soon as I can.

 Thanks again for the vote and comments! As always I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Nami and Robin had left the room after finishing the dishes (with Robin's devil fruit they finished quickly) to allow the four brothers to talk in private while Sanji made snacks. Niji, with Sanji's encouragement and a little help when his older brother seemed lost for words, explained what was up. Sanji ended up doing more talking than originally planned but he didn't mind as long as Niji was willing to allow all of his brothers to know. Niji however stared at the floor the whole time, clearly ashamed of himself, but finally looked up when Ichiji spoke up as soon as the two finished.

"Really?" Was all the oldest brother said.

For the first time in his life Niji was unsure what his older brother meant. Ichiji had always been a man of few words but you were always able to tell what he meant or wanted no matter how little he spoke, his body language and tone said it all.... Not this time.

"That's what you're so worried about?" Yonji laughed after a minute of silence.

Niji shot Sanji an 'I told you so' glare which earned him a kick to the back of the head.


"For being an idiot," Sanji said as he lit a cigarette. "Yonji wasn't laughing at you. And since when is Ichiji hard to read? Like I said before it's you, they could care less about it. Besides they got me to make fun of.... Uh... that does not mean I'm giving you permission to do so.

"Uh-huh," Ichiji replied.

"Sure," Yonji added.

"I'M NOT!"

"I wouldn't say we could care less... but Sanji's right."

"Huh...?" Niji said shocked.

"So you're afraid of a little thunder? Big deal."

"What Yonji is saying," Ichiji said walking up to Niji and resting his elbow on Niji's shoulder. "This is us caring, who could blame you? Besides it's more fun to pick on Sanji."

"Jee thanks," Sanji said sarcastically.

"Hey, you said it not us."

"Shut up," Sanji said walking to the door. "I'll be back. I need to see if the girls need anything," he added then vanished threw the door. "Nami-Swan, Robin-Chwan, Carrot-Chwan, Cosette-Chwan, Reiju, Mom, do any of you girls need anything?!" He asked over the railing to the girls who were all sitting in the grass by the tree swing.

"No, but thanks for asking Sanji-kun," Nami smiled up to him. "Oh! Tell your brothers the worst of the storm has passed.

Sanji nodded, slightly disappointed that they didn't need any thing, before turning back to the kitchen. But before he entered, he noticed Law poking his head out of Chopper's office.

"Black Leg, come hear a second."

"What you need, Tra-guy?" He asked walking over only to be surprised when Law grabbed his arm, pulling him in and quickly closing the door.

Chopper was sitting at his desk peering into a microscope.

"Sanji sit in that chair over there," the little reindeer said without looking up from his work.

"I don't think I want to. You two are acting oddly suspicious. I'm not sure if I trust you at the moment."

"Just sit down," Law said shoving him into the chair.

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