Chapter 20

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Sanji woke up the next morning to find, not Chopper, this time, but Nami sleeping, curled up, at the foot of his bed.

He got up as carefully as he could, as to not wake his beautiful angel.

"You guys worry to much," he sighed as he picked her up and moved her so she could lay with her head on the pillow. He then went to change his clothes and headed for the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Good morning, Sanji-sama."

"Good morning, Cosette-chan. Care if I take over breakfast? I sort of promised Luffy I'd do the cooking today."

"Of course. But are you sure you want to do all the cooking?"


"By yourself?"


"You're sure?"

"Yes," Sanji chuckled.


"What the hell are you doing, Sanji?" Ichiji asked as he and the rest of the Vinsmokes walked into the dinning hall.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm setting the tables," he answered as he sat the last plate of food on the table.

"SAAAAAANNNNNJIIIIIII! FOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!" Luffy hollered, rocketing into the room and tackling the blond.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME, YOU RUBBERY FREAK!!!" Sanji yelled throwing Luffy to the floor.

"Sorry," Luffy laughed.

"You don't look sorry," Sanji said glaring at him.

"That's way I'm sorry."

"You're a real pain. You know that right?"

Instead of answering, Luffy just grinned his hug contagious grin.

"I thought I told you to say out of the kitchen!" Judge frowned.

"Judge. Sanji breakfast looks and smells wonderful."

"Thanks, Mom. I assure you it will be nothing short of heaven," Sanji smiled.

"I'm sure it will," she smiled.

"You didn't make anything that takes bread, did you?"

"No, Tra-guy, I didn't," Sanji chuckled.

"You better not have. Or I might have to cut you to pieces."

"I don't feed anyone anything they don't like. If I did then they would just waste it. Anyone who wastes food in front of me will get their ass kicked. You should know that by now, Law."

"Even Nami and Robin?" Zoro asked with a blank expression.

"OF COURSE NOT! I'd kill myself before I'd kick a woman.... Especially when said women are Nami-swan and Robin-chan!"

"D-did you just call him 'Tra-guy'?" Yonji blinked.

At that, all of the Straw Hats pointed to their Captain, their eyes not leaving Sanji's younger brother.

"Luffy started it," they said much like siblings blaming each other for a fight after their parents walked in to the room to scold them.

"But, Bro, that was a super late reaction," Franky added.

"He's Tra-guy. Sanji's Sanji," Luffy began. He then pointed to each of Sanji's brothers, "You're Sanji Red, You're Sanji Blue, and You're Sanji Green. Oh and She's Sanji~"


"I was just going to say Sanji's sister.... Sheesh, you don't need to be so grumpy."

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