Chapter 33

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As always thanks so much for the comments and votes! Sorry this chapter is a shorter one compared to normal but I hope you enjoy it anyway :D Can't wait to hear what you think!


Having the same internal clock as a certain blond Straw Hat, Zeff woke in the aquarium early the next morning and headed to the kitchen. When he opened the door, he had expected to find Sanji already up and cooking... instead he was still laying on the bench, fast asleep. Zeff sighed, deciding to let Sanji sleep and cook breakfast himself.

Shortly after Zeff began cooking, Nami, Robin, Reiju and Cosette came in.

"Sanji-kun's not awake yet?" Nami asked surprise.

"It's fine. He's not the only one here capable of cooking. Let the Little Brat sleep. Food will be ready in thirty minutes."

"How's the food supply?" Nami asked Zeff as she took a seat at the table.

"Straw Hat eats to much." He turned to Reiju, "So does that younger brother of yours."

Reiju chuckled. "Yonji?"

"That's the one."

"In other words, we haven't been at sea a full day and our food supply is already low. Sanji's not going to be happy about it but we're going to have to stop at an island soon. Luckily there is one about two hours northwest of here."

"Oh good. I can stock up on more medical supplies," Chopper said coming into the kitchen.

"Chopper, didn't you just stock up at Germa? What did you use it on?"

"Nothing! I... I just... wanna get more! We can never have to much medical supplies. The way Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji like to... well you know...."

"Chopper, what are you up to?" Robin asked.

"What?! Me? Nothing!"


"I'm not!"

"R-Reiju-sama? You... wouldn't happen to know... why N-Niji-sama has been acting oddly towards me lately... would you?"

"He doesn't have his enhancements, Cosette. You're not the only one he's acting oddly to."

Nami and Robin chuckled as if knowing something the other two didn't. But before either of them could say anything the kitchen door opened again as Zoro and Law walked in.

"I know but... it's strange...." Cosette replied.

"Good morning Tra-guy, Zoro," Nami and Robin greeted at the same time.

"You'll get used to it, Cosette," Reiju smiled.

"Cat burglar, Nico," Law nodded.

"Eyebrows is still sleeping."

"Yes, Zoro. Let him be," Nami said. "Are the others up yet?"

"Everyone except his brother," Zoro replied nodding towards Sanji. "I haven't seen his other two brothers yet either."

"That's stranger. They're normally up by now," Reiju said. "Not to mention they went to bed rather early last night...."

Zeff walked over to the table with plates of food. "I'm sure they're fine," he said placing a hand on Reiju's shoulder as he walked over to Sanji. "Chopper did tell them to rest yesterday and they didn't, so they're probably just a bit worn out." He believed that, at least until he noticed that Sanji was shivering slightly under his blanket. He's eyes went wide when his hand touched Sanji's forehead. "Or not. He's got a fever."

"What?!" Chopper said running over to check the cooks temperature. "I TOLD HIM HE WAS OVER EXERTING HIMSELF!" Irritated and concerned he turned and ran for the door. "I'll be back I need to check on the others!"

"I didn't rest either and I'm fine," Reiju said when Chopper closed the door.

"Yes," Law replied. "But you were also less active then they were yesterday."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. But still." Reiju sighed staring at her hands folded in her lap.


"Everything okay, Chopper?"

Chopper jumped with a mild scream sending papers flying and nearly tipping over his microscope. "N-Nami. You scared me."

"Sorry. You've been in here for an hour so I thought I'd come check on you," she replied reaching down to pick up some of the papers.

"DON'T! ...I-I mean I can get those Nami."

"Chopper, what are you up to?"

"Nothing! Why does everyone keep asking me that?!"

"You and Law have been acting oddly suspicious lately. Of course we would think your up to something. Not that we don't trust you, we're just curious. Well I'll leave you to your work. We'll be arriving at the island in about thirty minutes."

"Alright. Thank you, Nami."

"No problem," she said leaving the room.

Chopper sighed in relief when the door closed, "she didn't see anything." He jumped down from his chair and began picking up the papers. "Sorry guys but I can't tell you. Not yet anyway," he said examining some of the papers. Each one consisting of charts, notes, and each of the Vinsmoke siblings names. "Just a little more, Sanji," he muttered.

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