Chapter 41

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They walked down the hill and towards the destroyed town.

"Maybe you should get back to the ship, Sanji-kun. You still look like you need some rest."

"I'm fine, Nami-san," he assured.

Sanji noticed some of the women staring at them in horror. The men must of noticed it to because they turned in the crews direction. Their expressions grew angry as they picked up pitchforks and wood that still had flames on the end.

"What are you doing here, Germa?!"

"Go back to where you came from!"

"Your people have done enough!"

"Your father didn't kill our king so he sent his children to finish the job?!"

"What?" Niji asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Niji, don't get upset. You can't blame them," Sanji said walking closer to the men. "Look we're only here for information."

"Information on rather or not our King is dead?!"

"Of course not!" Luffy said. "We're here to kick the ass of the man that did this!"

"Luffy, we need to find out where he is first," Sanji said.

"Wait...? Soooo you're not here to attack us again," said a men with dark blue hair.

"Are you deaf or something!" Niji yelled.

"That's what we just said!!!" Added Yonji

"Idiots!" Muttered Ichiji.

"Now, calm down you three. You can't blame them. They just got attacked by what they thought was a fictional character only to have four other fictional characters show up in front of them," Sanji said before turning to the men. "I apologize for my brothers behavior. Their people skills are rusty."

"Brothers? So... That would make you the number three of Germa...," the blue haired man said.

The men then backed up twenty feet trying to get away from Sanji.

Sanji raised a brow, "huh?"

"S-stay away! Y-you're the worst out of all of them!!!!" 

"JUST WHAT KIND OF PERSON DOES THOSE STUPID MANGAS MAKE ME OUT TO BE!!!!!!!!" Sanji yelled, his teeth sharpening like shark teeth.

"And you say our people skills are rusty?" The three brothers said.

Law chuckled from behind the rest of the crew.


"You really don't know anything about the Sora of the Sea Mangas do you, Black Leg?"

 "No!!!! And I don't want to either!!!!!"

"Alright fine then, I won't tell you what I was going to tell you," Law said, hiding his disappointment well. (Inner Law is just like puppy dog pout, let me tell you! I wanna tell you! Come on Black Leg! I swear you're going to like Stealth Black! Let me tell you!!! Pleeeeaaassseee! Okay maybe not... I don't know. What do you think Law's Nerdy side's thoughts are right now?! 😂)

"You're the Straw Hat Pirates! I thought you were in the Grand Line!"

"We were. It's a long story," Nami said.

"The Heart Pirates are here too," Reiju stated.

"It's fine," Law replied.

"Where's everyone staying with the town looking like this?" Nami asked.

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