Chapter 16

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Disclaimer! Some content in this chapter is direct quotes from the One Piece Manga! Which can be found in chapter 841: To the East Blue Arc: Wholecake Island.


Sanji walked back to his room, not because he was told to but because he knew his friends would be there waiting for him. And his friends was the one thing he needed right now.... Well them and a cigarette... but those were back at the Sunny.

Sure enough, the second he opened the door he was tackled by all of his friends, all of which yelled a rather cheerful, "SANJI(-KUN)!" Well that is except for Zoro, Law, and Franky.... Which he was kind of thankful for as he felt like Franky could crush all of them in his massive, meddle arms. The jester was much appreciated, but it damn near knocked him to the ground.

"You kicked their asses, right?!" Luffy asked.

"Would I be the cook for the future Pirate King if I couldn't kick their asses?" Sanji answered as his friends broke out of the hug.

"What does being a cook have to do with fighting?" Zoro asked sarcastically.

"Shut up, Marimo!"

"You're hurt," Chopper accused looking down at the cook as he was standing on the blond's shoulders with his hooves on Sanji's head.

Sanji looked down at his chest, he hadn't realized that he was clutching his shirt were he had been punch by Yonji.

"Yeah, Yonji managed to get in one good punch and broke a couple of my ribs but my hands didn't get broke, scratched, bruised, or anything like that so I'm fine, really."

"Fine or not, I'm still going to get them set before they have a chance to heal. Take off your shirt and set on the bed so I can take a look. And don't be stubborn about it like Zoro!"

"Please! Me be like that stupid Moss Head! That's insulting!" Sanii laughed as he closed the door before unbuttoning his shirt as he walked to the bed and sat down, laying the shirt next to him.

"Shut up, stupid cook!"

Chopper jumped off Sanji's Shoulders and began digging through his medical bag for bandages.

"You shut up, Marimo. Being a stupid cook is a lot better than being a stubborn Moss Head."

"Arms," Chopper said as he climbed on to Sanji's lap with a roll of bandages.

Sanii raised his arms and Chopper began bandaging the cook's broken ribs.

"Well, at least I don't have asymmetrical curly eyebrows," Zoro said raising a brow.


"Asymmetrical?" Law and Carrot questioned.

"Damn you, Zoro!" Sanii said before sighing heavily and lifting his bangs to reveal his right eye for two seconds then quickly let them fall back in their original position. "Did you not notice Yonji's?"

"As if that was enough time for anyone to actually see it," Zoro said.


"Yes," Carrot and Law answered.

"But just because you're brothers, and quadruplets, doesn't mean you look exactly alike," the surgeon continued. "While there is a resemblance, your hair is a different color...."

"As well as different styles," Nami added.

"Not to mention their eyebrows point to the left/right (you pick, I go by the curl so I would say left) however yours go to the right/left" (I would say right but you go by how you look at it :) ), Zoro felt the need to mention, he really just wanted to irritate Sanii some more... it worked.

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