Chapter 44

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YAY! TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!!!! But wait a minute.... I feel like I'm forgetting something.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! I FEEL LIKE THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD OF ONE PIECE FANS!!!!!!!!!!! I FORGOT CARROT-CHAN IS THERE TOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT THE SWEET, ADORABLE,  INNOCENT, CARROT-CHWAAAAANNNNNN! Great.... It's official... I've been around Sanji too long....


"THAT'S MY EAR YOU'RE YELLING IN!" Ichiji intentionally yelled in Niji's ear.


"What's the matter?" Sora asked.

"Dad just ordered Ichiji to kill Sanji!" Niji said forcing Ichiji in front of him.

"Judge came back?!"

"No! He never left! And now Ichiji wants to kill Sanji!"


"Okay fine... He has to."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!" Said an enraged Luffy.

"He told all of us to go. So we tried to but then Judge ordered Ichiji to stop and... then kill Sanji...."

"You can stop talking like I'm not in the room."

💢"I'M NOT!!!"💢


"At the beach."

"Zoro, let's go!"



"Damn it," Sanji said, getting to his feet after dodging a hit from Judge's spear. His angry flames still burning around him.

"Do you honestly think you can defeat me?" Judge said walking towards Sanji. "I have all five of your enhancements! I'm stronger then a weak failure like you could ever be!"

"You think all you need is our enhancements to be stronger then us? It takes a lot more then genetic enhancements to be stronger then us."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"It doesn't matter. Someone like you will never understand. Collier Shoot!"

Judge blocked the kick to his nick with his spear, knocking off Sanji's sandal.

"Épaule Shoot!" Sanji's leg made contact with Judges shoulder, however, his skin was harder then any of Sanji's siblings had ever been even with their exoskeleton. He could feel his bone cracking from the force.

"What's the mater? Leg starting to hurt?" Judge said, hearing the done cracking.

"Shut up! I can stand a broken bone or two if it means kicking your ass!!"

"You haven't even left a scratch on me. With Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji's combined exoskeletons, mine is four times stronger then theirs will ever be!"

"Exoskeleton or not, I will defeat you!"

"You're loosing stamina by the second. You weren't in the condition to fight me when this fight started. And because of that, your fire power is taking a toll on your body."

"I don't care about that!! I won't let you heart them the way you did me! I will never let them be treated that way by a father that said he loved them!!! I refuse to let you treat you four precious children with worse abuse then you ever did me!!!!  Also, where the hell is Niji's sword?!"

"Abuse them? I'm not abusing them. I'm using them for what I created them for. As to Niji's sword. It's right here," he added, unsheathing it and throwing the sheath onto the sandy ground.

"I'll be taking it back! Poitrine Shoot!!" He said aiming a (Barefoot) kick to Judge's chest.

Judge took the opportunity to aim Niji's sword directly to the center of Sanji's foot.

"AAAAAAAAAGH!!" Sanji hollered as the sword pierced his skin and went straight threw his foot.

Judge pulled the sword out and Sanji fell to the ground, unable to stand the pain shooting threw his leg from the broken bone and hole in his foot. Judge towered over Sanji as he reached down and lifted him off the ground in a chokehold.

"You are a worthless, useless, weak, failure, Sanji."

"I know that. You engraved... no... branded it into my head for eight long, painful years. Every minute of the day I hear your voice in the back of my head repeating those words to me. That's why the only thing I can do is sacrifice myself for the people I care about. Because that's all you ever told me I was good for. I have nothing else worth giving.... I won't let you do that to my brothers and sister."

"I see at least one thing sunck into that thick skull of yours," Judge said before throwing him across the beach.

Sanji couldn't get up, let alone move. He was exhausted and in a lot of pain. He shook his head trying to stop a tear from falling. He never said those words out loud before. He never wanted anyone to know those thoughts, those feelings. And saying them aloud made them feel more painful then the hole in his foot or the broken bone in his leg. He tried to reach into his pocket for a cigarette but Judge pined his hand down with his foot.

"You say these hands are precious to you.... So hypothetically speaking.... What would you do if I were to run this sword threw one of them?"


Judge smirked and lightly touched the tip of the sword to the palm of Sanji's right hand, "I think I'll let Ichiji kill you, but I'll take the use of at least one hand and your ability to cook. That way, even your crew will find you useless."

"Stop... it...." Sanji said weakling. The last thing he felt was a shearing pain running threw his hand and up his arm before his vision fade into darkness as unconscious took him over once again.


"If that bastard so much as lays a finger on Sanji while he's still recovering, I'll kick his ass so far he flys into the calmbelt and get eaten by Sea Kings!!!" Luffy said as he and Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, CARROT(!!!!!!!!!), Niji, Reiju, Sora, and Zeff all ran back to the beach.

Yonji stayed behind to keep Ichiji from following them. While at the moment he was in control of himself, if Ichiji were to get even one glimpse of Sanji, Judge's order will take over. Chopper offered to stay and help Law, but Law insisted he went with the others. He knew if it was his crew, he'd want to go help if he had the option. Niji practically begged Cosette to stay with Law. He didn't want Judge to hurt her, but he wouldn't admit it out loud.

"Only if you let me get a few good hits on him," Nami said holding her Sorcery Clima-Tact. 

"Anyone who hurts my sweet little brother is unforgivable!!!" Reiju said, you could almost hear the venom in her voice.

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