Chapter Five: The Only Okay Part

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Author's note: If you're reading this, give it a vote or comment. I'm lazy, so it'll encourage me to write more. (I promise it will get smutty. I know that's why you're reading.)


Christian and I walked next to one another in silence as a member of the filming crew led us to our sleeping arrangements. We had been walking for a few minutes, separated from the larger group, when we stopped in front of a large wooden door. "You two will be in here. Your bathroom is down the hallway and to the left. You'll find the lavatories to be much more modern than anything else in the castle. Sleep well, guys. Don't let the ghosts get you." The crew member winked and then opened the door for us before leaving us alone.

I was surprised that there were lamps, although the light was soft and dim; they had updated the interior of the castle to include electricity and plumbing. That's a plus, but I looked around and noticed pretty quickly there was only one bed.

Christian beat me to saying something about it. "Only one bed. Is that okay with you? Do I need to find a sleeping bag?"

I looked at him. "Yeah, it's completely fine. I mean, it's plenty big enough for us to have space. Do you snore?"

"Nah, I don't think so," he replied. "You?"

"No one has ever mentioned it to me if I do," I answered.

I noticed all our luggage was settled into the corner of the room; someone must have delivered it when we were all sitting around the table.

I really wanted to change into something more comfortable. I informed Christian, "I'm going to find the bathrooms and get ready for bed. Do you want to come with me?"

"Yeah, definitely."

We both pulled our luggage onto the bed and started to rummage for the items we needed to sleep. I grabbed my toiletries, a pair of pajama pants, and a tank top. He just grabbed a toothbrush and toothpaste. "Ready?" he asked.

We made our way down the dark hallway and turned left. I had to walk quickly to keep up with Christian; he was easily a foot taller than me.

"This must be the bathroom," Christian said, pointing to a sign that read water closet. He opened the door.

The bathroom was immense – the size of a large bedroom – with a couple of stalls and two showers. It was much nicer than I was anticipating, and I was relieved there was plenty of space for both of us to get ready.

I started to brush my teeth at the double sink while Christian slipped into a stall. When he emerged, I was surprised to see him in nothing but his boxers.

I was going to make a snarky comment about his wardrobe choice, but decided against it. I didn't want him to think I was judging him or emotionally invested in his sleepwear. I mean, what difference did it make what he slept in? I opted to stay silent and not look too closely at his body.

I finished brushing my teeth while Christian settled into brush his.

Once we were both ready to go, we walked back to our room together. "You haven't said much since we left the meeting," he said, frowning slightly.

"Either have you," I quipped. I just noticed how cold my bare feet were on the ground. "It's really cold in here."

"Probably ghosts," he joked. "Do you believe in them?"

"No, I'm not really spiritual or religious, and I think ghosts are just a thing humans made up to make us feel better about dying."

"I think you're smarter than me." Christian's slight frown turned into a smirk. He was strangely endearing, and it was starting to frustrate me a little bit.

"It's not a matter of intelligence; it's just a matter of being an emotionless, heartless skeptic," I said sarcastically as we reentered our room.

"Is there a reason for that?" he asked with a raised brow.

"Too heavy for first night topics, bro," I mused as I pulled the covers back on the bed and climbed into the side furthest away from the door. "I may not be afraid of ghosts, but I am slightly afraid of the idea of intruders in the dark. You can sleep closer to the door to fight off the baddies for me."

"Sure, I'll protect you." He laughed and climbed into his side of the bed. "Man, I wish they wouldn't have taken our phones. I'd like to call my family."

"I know. I wanted to call a bunch of people who made me do this and complain to them, but I guess I'll wait."

"Have I really been that bad?"

I sighed slightly, "Honestly, you're the only okay part so far."

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