Chapter Eighty-Four: Weak

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Thanks to the time zone changes, I arrived at LAX only about two hours later than I left Philadelphia. It was about 7:30 am.

I grabbed a Lyft from the airport to the hospital as fast as I could. Not having any luggage was helpful to my cause.

Counsell had reached out to me via text message to confirm my departure was acceptable.

Craig: Take care of Annie and your daughter. I'll get the paperwork going.

Craig: You'll need to be in Atlanta by the start of the Braves series.

I quickly replied, my fingers fumbling on my phone.

Christian: Thanks, Craig. I'll try to be back in time for the Thursday game against the Phillies.

Craig: Family first, Christian.

Family. She was my family now, and I had to get her back.


I was surprised to see my mom and Collin in the waiting room. "What are you two doing here?"

"The same reason you're here . . . To take care of Annie," Collin replied coolly.

"Did you bring any clothes, Christian?" my mom asked me after looking me up and down.

"No," I snipped. "I was a little too distracted by the fact my future wife is in the hospital. The team is going to take my stuff to Atlanta. Anyway, can I see her? I need to see her." My hands were shaking as badly as they were when Hannah first called me. Maybe worse.

My mom sighed. "I'm going to run home and get you some things. She's sleeping, but her room is open for visitors – 306. Hannah is in there now. Andrew ran out to pick up some breakfast for everyone. Collin, make sure your brother doesn't do anything idiotic while I'm out."

"You got it," Collin replied. I rolled my eyes at them before making my way to room 306.

"Hey, Hannah," I whispered from the doorway.

"Hey, dummy," she muttered while looking up from her book.

"Your insults are getting worse," I said with a small smile.

"I've been around your mom for a few hours. She makes me nervous. Just wait until I get back to my old form. I'll really unload then."

I approached Annie's side and took a seat in the chair next to her bed. "Hey, beautiful," I whispered, grabbing her hand in the process. She didn't stir. She looked better than I expected; she even had some color in her cheeks.

"How long has she been asleep?" I asked Hannah.

"Almost two hours, so we have to wake her up in a few minutes due to the concussion."

I just nodded and continued to hold her hand. "I'm sorry I fucked up so badly," I whispered.

"Don't waste your words while she's sleeping," Hannah instructed me. "I'm going to leave you two alone for a while. You can wake her up now."

"Thanks, Hannah."

"Don't fuck this up, or I'll murder you."

I just chuckled at her threat.

"Not joking, Yelich. MURDER." She walked backward through the door while keeping her eyes on me. "I'll be back."

I took a deep breath before attempting to wake her up, even though I was scared to see how she'd react to me. "Annie, wake up," I muttered while squeezing her hand and nudging her shoulder with my other hand.

She stirred a bit, but she didn't wake fully. I nudged a little harder, and her eyes finally opened. "Christian . . . What are you doing here?" she asked. Her tone was confused – not upset. "You have a baseball game tonight. You shouldn't miss your baseball game."

"I'd miss all my baseball games for you," I whispered.

"I'm fine, seriously. This is way more dramatic than it all seems. My mom will be here soon anyway, and she'll take good care of me."

"I want to take care of you," I started. "I love you, Annie."

"You broke up with me," she said flatly. "You don't owe me anything."

"I made a big mistake because I was freaked out about Asher. I'm sorry. I'm a giant baby."

Annie looked at me and then looked down where our hands were connected. I gave her hand another squeeze. "I need you both in my life. Please give me one more chance." I disconnected our hands and moved my newly free hand to rest on her stomach. I wasn't sure if it was okay to do so, but she surprisingly didn't stop me.

Annie shook her head. "You were already on 'one more chance.'"

"I know I don't deserve another one, but, if you gave me one, I'd make it count." I watched my hand move in circles around her stomach before meeting her gaze. "You're my favorite person."

She covered her hand with mine this time. "I don't want to be weak," she whispered.

"I'm the weak one in this relationship. You've been nothing but resilient." It was true. I was always losing my cool and being over-emotional when I was supposed to be her support system. I didn't know how to act normally in the context of her. "I want to be good for you. I know I can be . . . I'll figure it out."

"Can you feel her move?" she asked me, as she guided my hand a little to the left. I could feel a slight twitch beneath her hospital gown.

"Is that seriously her?" I was in disbelief that the tiniest hint of movement could throw me for such a loop. I pressed my hand harder against Annie's stomach.

"That's her," she said softly.

"I want this life with you," I muttered through fresh tears.

She looked at me, and she was crying a bit too. "I had blood drawn and asked for a paternity test. All you have to do is swab your cheek. She's definitely yours, Christian, so let's just put this all to rest."

"I know she's mine," I whispered and then leaned into kiss Annie's cheek. "But I'll do the test if it'll make you happy."

"I just want Asher gone forever. I don't think we can be happy together until you no longer feel threatened."

"Can we be together again?" I asked her, my tone indicating a slight bit of hope.

"Yes," she whispered. "But this really does have to be the last chance."

"That's more than fair," I agreed and then brushed my lips against her cheek, forehead, and then, finally, her soft lips.

"Annie?" I asked her, my stomach churning a bit as I broke our delicate kiss. I remembered what I had to tell her before she gave me another shot.


"There's something I have to tell you."

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