Chapter One Hundred Six: Formalities

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I came home from the hospital on the day Christian had to leave for a week-long road trip to DC and St. Louis. I was devastated I had to settle into the apartment without him, but I refused to bring it up and make him feel guilty. I knew this was how it was going to be, and so did he.

"I wish we could have gotten you both home a little earlier," Christian said as we drove home from the hospital after passing our car seat inspection. "I hate that I have to leave right after our game. I just want to lounge around the house with both of you and help you with recovery."

I was trying not to cry. He already looked like he was hurting, and I was using all my will power to not make it worse. "It's okay. I have Andrew, Hannah, and my mom. They'll take good care of us."

Christian broke down crying and punched his fist against the steering wheel. "It shouldn't have to be like this. I should fucking be here with you helping you . . . Loving you."

"It's seriously okay. We'll FaceTime with you every night, and I'll send you so many pictures. You'll be home before we know it." I never thought he'd take separation this hard. I knew how much he loved us — I really did — but I still wasn't expecting this much emotion.

"I'm going to miss her first week at home. Do you know how insane that is? Do you know how insane it is that I can't take care of you after major surgery? That I'm having Andrew essentially do everything for me? I'm a goddamn asshole, Annie."

"If you were an asshole, you wouldn't care at all that you won't be here. Baby, we've got this. I'll make you feel like you didn't miss anything. In fact, I'll send you so many pictures that you'll probably want me to stop."

He chuckled a little and wiped away some tears with the back of his hand. "I could never get sick of seeing the two most beautiful women on Earth."

"Let's not get carried away with the compliments."

He continued to laugh through the tears. "It's true."

I looked back at Eloise. "She's sound asleep right now."

"Maybe, if you and Andrew are feeling up to it, you can come out for our next major road trip. It's not for another month, so you should be feeling better."

"I'd love to make that happen for you." I would definitely try to make it happen. "If she continues being this sweet, it won't be a problem." She had been really easy so far — she only cried when she was hungry or needed to be changed — but she was also only a few days old. Anything could happen.

"She'll continue to be a dream. I know it."

"Don't jynx it, buddy."

When we pulled into our garage, Christian was the one who got her ready to head upstairs while also throwing my bag over his shoulder. "I won't get to do this at all for a while," he said sadly.

Once in the apartment, Christian gave Eloise a grand tour, showing her every room and explaining to her what each room was for. It melted my heart. "This is the bathroom. This is where we do our business and Marco and Polo pee on the rug. They're lucky they're so cute, let me tell you. This is the bedroom, mommy and I made you in a stranger's bedroom, but the concept is the same."

"Christian, you are ridiculous, and I love you."

"I love you too. So much. Looks like she fell back asleep. Are you ready to put her in the crib for the first time?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly.

We put her to bed and then went back into our bedroom. "Let's get that ring on your finger now," he said softly.

He dug around in the nightstand next to the bed and pulled out a small box before dropping down on one knee.

"I already proposed, so you can skip the formalities," I said with a smirk.

"Oh, shut it, babe. Annie Margaret Delaney, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "We don't talk like that, but, hell yes, I'll be your wife."

He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up, still laughing a little. "Least romantic proposal ever?" he asked me.

"It was perfect for us. I wouldn't have wanted anything more than this." I kissed his lips excitedly. When we broke apart, I finally took a second to examine the ring. It had a rose gold setting with a solitaire stone. "And this is amazing. I'm never going to take it off."

Christian smiled. I could see the relief in his eyes. "Thank Shaw. He helped."

"You couldn't have done a better job," I whispered.

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