Chapter One Hundred Nine: Mystery

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"Seriously, it's okay. Go out with your teammates. You haven't had a night out in a while. You deserve to have some fun and let loose," Annie said while supervising Eloise's tummy time on the floor. "We'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. "Couldn't we have Andrew or your mom watch Eloise, so you can come too? We haven't been on a date in a while."

Annie laughed and shook her head. "A club isn't exactly my idea of a date. Honestly, I wouldn't mind some time alone with her in the apartment. For the past few weeks, there have been people constantly in and out . . . Some solitude might be nice. Plus, I still can't drink, and I'm not a club person. If I can't drink while in the club, I'll just be a nag, and we'll both be miserable. That's no good for either of us." She smiled up at me. "Seriously, have fun. I love you."

I sighed heavily. "I'd have more fun if you came, but I love you too." I knelt down beside her and kissed the top of her head before getting on my stomach and facing Eloise. "Be good for momma, Lo." I struggled to kiss her tiny forehead before standing up. "I'll be home in a few hours."

"You don't have a curfew," Annie said with a smirk.


I was on my fifth drink in a couple of hours when Braun suggested we check out a strip club a few doors down. "I haven't been to one in a while, and Yeli here is going to be a married man soon. We should help him say bye to bachelorhood before the season ends."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm marrying Annie fucking Delaney, man. Why would I need other women?" I managed to protest, even though forming the words was difficult. Deep down, I knew I was sexually frustrated, and spending time with strippers while intoxicated, famous, and deprived of sex wasn't a brilliant idea. I knew my judgment was only going to get worse when the fifth drink instinct kicked in for me. Five drinks was never good.

Shaw chuckled and shrugged. "Brauny married an underwear model, and he's still thirsty as fuck. Let's just check it out."

Despite my objections, we still ended up at the club and were immediately given VIP treatment. When I tried to pull my phone out to text Annie, Braun grabbed it from me and slid it into his pocket. "It's one night without her, dude. It's fine."

"Your wives are okay with this?"

"Our wives don't know," Braun responded. Once again, Shaw just shrugged.

I watched as Braun whispered something to a security guy and slipped him some cash. The guy came up to me shortly after Braun made this exchange. "Follow me, sir."

I followed him without thinking twice. Maybe it was his intimidating size or maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was a combination of both that led me down the path. He seated me on a couch in a dark, neon-lit back room and told me to wait a few minutes.

I was about to get up and leave when three topless women joined me. "Hey, MVP," a tan, leggy brunette whispered. "What can we do for you tonight?"

Before I could answer, she was already straddling my lap with her breasts in my face. "Uh," I started, trying to keep my hands glued at my side to show disinterest. She shut me up with a kiss while the other two girls giggled.

"You can use your hands, MVP," she continued while grinding against me. My hands were still frozen in place. "You paid the price."

"I should go," I whispered.

"It doesn't feel like you want to."

And that statement was the last thing I remember from the evening.

I woke up the next morning on Braun's couch. His daughter, Celine, was poking me in the nose with her index finger. "Mom, he's alive," she shouted directly into my ear. My head was pounding and my stomach felt awful, so the scream didn't help matters any.

Larisa, Braun's wife, placed a green smoothie on the coffee table next to me. "Drink this. You'll feel better," she said in a tone that was kinder than the expression on her face read. "I'm surprised at you, Christian. A strip club, really? At least wait until your daughter's one and you and Annie are married before joining the ranks of immaturity like my husband."

All I could come up with was, "I'm sorry." A few glimpses of yesterday night flooded my memory, and I could feel tears building in my eyes. "Fuck!" I shouted to no one in particular.

"That's a naughty word," I heard Celine shout from the kitchen.

"Is your dumbass husband here?" I asked Larisa. I knew he was the only person who had any inkling of how far I took things with those strippers from last night. "I need to talk to him NOW."

"He had some meetings to take today."

"Convenient," I muttered irritably. I grabbed the smoothie she made me and chugged it down quickly. "Thanks a bunch for the hospitality, but I have to go."

"Christian, I'm sure it's not as bad as you're thinking it is," she reassured me.

I don't know. It seemed pretty bad to me.

I felt in my pockets to make sure I had my wallet, keys, and phone. When I realized my phone had been returned to me, I whipped it out and checked my texts. Apparently, Annie and I had a conversation around 3:00 am.

Christian: so drunk babe i hate ryan braun so fckng much jessus

Annie: Are you safe?

Christian: larisa made me a bed

Annie: Oh, good. Tell her thank for me. I'll see you in the morning?

Christian: come here now please baby i need you i am dying from drugs

Annie: You were supposed to have fun! Not die from "drugs."

Christian: no fun without annie d

Christian: i love you

Christian: lets have a big wedding with flowrs and fountz and dncing

Annie: Fountz?

Christian: fontains, the drippy things

Annie: Oh, fountains.

Christian: yes baby u r a smartypants

Annie: I'm going to bed.

Christian: with me? okay see u soon

Well, that didn't help me solve my mystery, but it didn't hint at a worst case scenario either. That was something. I texted her before leaving Braun's penthouse.

Christian: On my way. I love you so fucking much.

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