Chapter One Hundred Eight: Doofus

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I might cry when this stupid story is over. 😭😭😭


"Good morning!" Christian greeted me as soon as my eyes fluttered open. Eloise was fast asleep in his arms. "This sweet girl right here just fell back asleep. I'm going to put her in the crib."

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked him. He seemed pretty wired. Cute, but wired.

"Not much. I mostly just watched you sleep," he said with a wink.

"That sounds super boring," I joked. "Literally any movie would be better than watching me sleep."

"It wasn't boring. It was awesome." He stood up and took Eloise to her nursery before returning to the bedroom. "Anyway, I created this countdown on my phone." He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and showed me a screen that read 28 DAYS in huge, bold text.

"Countdown to what?" I said with a raised brow.

"A countdown to when I can give you some sweet Yelich lovin' again. It's going to be incredible." He gave me a thumbs up. "Oh, the things I have planned . . ."

I burst out laughing. "God, you're such a doofus."

"I mean, we need to practice."

"For what exactly? What are we qualifying for?"

"Our honeymoon. Baby number two . . ."

I shook my head. "I was on a lot of drugs when I said I was ready for baby number two. We're not aiming for our second daughter for at least two years."

"That's just more time to practice. Anyway, can I go down on you yet? Is that allowed?" He kissed me before I could respond.

"Yeah, you technically can," I whispered.

"What about anal?" he said with a smirk.

"Not ready for that yet," I replied.

"Then sit on my face maaaaybe?" he asked suggestively. His voice was lower and sexier than it was earlier.

"I don't know if I'm ready. My scar is still pretty rough to see . . ."

"I know your body is going to look a bit different. I just don't care. You're sexy to me all the time. Before pregnancy. During pregnancy. During delivery. All the same."

"I'm sure you care a little."

"No, Annie. I really don't." He kissed me again. This time with passion and tongue. He took all the sweetness out of it. It was now just unadulterated desire.

"Okay," I whispered. "Let's give it a try."

He gave me a big smile before throwing his arms in the air victoriously. "Yes!"

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, such a doofus."

"A doofus who's madly in love with you."


"How's Christian doing with baby-induced abstinence?" Hannah asked me while we sat on the couch. Christian was at his game, but I wasn't feeling quite up to being in a crowd yet. He understood completely.

"He has a freaking countdown on his phone and is absolutely obsessed with oral sex. I mean, it's great for me, but . . ."

"A countdown?" Hannah asked curiously.

"Yeah, a countdown to September 19th, when we can have doctor-approved sex again."

Hannah laughed so hard she cried. "God, he's so fucking cute and in love with you. I wanna barf. I hate you both honestly."

"Oh, I meant to ask, are you humping Eloise's nanny?"

Hannah snorted. "I mean, I'd like to, but not yet. He's such a . . . Gentleman. Do you think he's gay?" She smiled at me.

"I think he's just a nice person who takes life sorta slowly. Very cautious. He's really great, Hannah . . ."

"Yeah, I am definitely going to fuck this up."

I rolled my eyes at her and grinned. "I think you just might catch the bouquet at my wedding. I mean, you would if I was having a bouquet toss at all."

"That reminds me, we have to start planning your wedding!" Hannah rubbed her hands together in excitement.

I sighed. "I forgot about that. I mean, I'm excited, but I forgot."

"Yeah, too many orgasms from your giraffe fiancé probably destroyed your brain. It's cool, though. I've got this."

"I couldn't live my life without you."

"No shit!" She squeezed my hand before standing up. "I'm going to make us some salad!"

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