Chapter Sixty-One: Moneyball

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I lied in bed crying my eyes out – a regular occurrence in my life the past few months – because Christian was on a flight to Milwaukee, and I wouldn't get to see him for a few days. I kept trying to tell myself to not be dramatic – the distance was something we'd just have to adjust to – but it didn't make it hurt less. We were together on paper, but we were going to be separated most of the time. That was just the reality of the situation, and one of the reasons I didn't want to fall for him in the first place.

I hadn't been able to see any of his games while he was in town, and I could tell that frustrated him when he would sneak to my house to sleep late in the evening. He wanted me to meet his mom and brothers, but I was filming a guest spot and managing a couple of early table readings and couldn't bail on those obligations. I told him I would grab dinner with his mom before leaving for Milwaukee on Thursday. I think that made him feel a little better.

Hannah came into my room to deliver my phone to me. "This has been going off non-stop." She then threw a couple of tabloids onto my lap. "And the rumors are starting, but I'm on damage control."

I wiped some tears away, so I could read one of the headlines: "Who's the Father?" The words were accompanied by an unflattering picture of me that was taken before I was pregnant. Go figure.

"Don't read it," Hannah urged me. "It doesn't matter."

"Oh, I'm definitely going to read it."

Academy Award-winning starlet, Annie Delaney, is apparently with child according to anonymous sources [fuck you, Veronica]. The father is unconfirmed, but there are a few front-runners, with her ex-fiancé, actor Asher Michels, taking the lead. She was also caught canoodling with new boy toy and Major League Baseball player Christian Yelich and another ex, comedian James Phoenix, in Europe in November, so the child could be anyone's, really.

I repeated the last line out loud and rolled my eyes. "This makes me look great."

"If you left for Milwaukee tomorrow, you could push up telling your parents and we could do a formal press release about this by mid-week."

I shook my head. "They're just rumors. I'll deal."

Hannah nodded and sat down next to me. "Let's go over your agenda and obligations for the week, shall we? Let's not focus on this shit."

"Sounds good," I agreed.

"Work is light now that post-awards season press is dying down. You just have a couple of phone interviews – one with The New York Times and the other with American Airlines. You also have a meeting with the director of Neanderthal, Andrew Blake."

"When does Neanderthal start filming?"

"Not until November, so everything should be good by then."

"Where does filming take place?"


"Seriously? Christian is going to love that."

Hannah shrugged. "It'll be during his off season. Maybe he'll want to join you. Maybe you'll be talking about baby number two already." She jokingly winked at me.

"Let's not get a year ahead of ourselves."

"Are you already feeling doubtful of your relationship with him? He loves you, Annie. Give it a chance."

I sighed deeply. "I know. I'm just scared."

"Of course you're scared. You're famous, you're pregnant, and you're in love. Those are all terrifying, disgusting things."

"All terrifying, disgusting things that I haven't been very smart about."

"You've been doing great. Don't be so hard on yourself. Anyway, you have stuff to take care of in your personal life this week, too."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Most importantly, you need to get your butt to Milwaukee to tell your family about Annie, Jr."

"I'll pencil that in."

"You also need to start interviewing nannies. The agency sent us a list, so I thought we could set up some time slots to do that this week and next."

"I wish I didn't need a nanny. I don't want to be a ghost parent."

"Just because you have a nanny, doesn't mean you and Christian won't be good, doting parents. It's just an extra set of hands."

"Do you think Christian needs to interview too?"

"He might appreciate being included, but it may be too difficult for him to attend. Maybe just give him an overview of all the candidates and then get his thoughts before picking someone?"

"Good idea."

"You also have lunch with Alecia Yelich, Christian's mom, tomorrow in Beverly Hills. You ready for that?"

"Christian keeps telling me how nice she is, but I think she probably resents me for all of this. And, honestly, I completely understand. What a train wreck."

"You're ridiculous, babe."

"Can we just opt out of this week and run away to the Maldives or something?"

"You've got this handled." With that, she left me alone with my thoughts and my phone.

Christian had already sent me a bunch of text messages, which made me instantly feel better. I was starting to realize he may actually mean it when he says he loves me, and that he may actually care about our kid. That was lucky. The situation could have been so much worse, and yet I was still hyper anxious and slightly depressed when he wasn't right next to me to make our love feel more real. The distance hurt.

Christian: I wish I could just stay in Los Angeles with you and my baby BOY.

Christian: And I don't want to wait four days to see you again.

Christian: But I do want to tell everyone that we're together now. And having a SON. That part is important too.

Christian: But I've been good and quiet.

Christian: So I hope you appreciate my emotional maturity.

Christian: Because Shaw has asked me about ten thousand times over the past few days why I'm in such a good mood.

Christian: And I'm a bad liar.

Christian: Just landed in Milwaukee!

Christian: I love you so much.

Christian: Tell my SON I love him too.

Christian: Make sure to start explaining baseball to him.

Christian: I'll send you some facts.

Christian: Maybe put Moneyball on for some background noise. That should help, right?

I laughed at his incessant rambling

Annie: You're the dumbest, and I love you.

Annie: Also, your DAUGHTER can't hear sound for another week or two, so there's no need to start your weird baseball indoctrination today.

Christian: Our SON is ahead of the curve and can definitely fully understand the English language already.

Christian: He is a fucking genius, Annie.

Christian: I'm going to facetime you when I get home. Talk to you soon, baby.

Annie: I can't wait.

And I really couldn't.

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