Chapter One Hundred Fifteen: Luckiest

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Happy holidays, friends! Sorry for the delay. Work gets busy sometimes, I guess.

Enjoy the last smutty chapter . 💃🏻


Christian and I didn't have time to celebrate, as he and Travis had to be at Miller Park immediately after our ceremony. They had a rare late afternoon game against the Padres.

"I'm so, so sorry," he muttered frantically right before leaving.

"Don't apologize. We'll be at the game to cheer you on."

"Really?" he asked excitedly. "Lo's first game!"

"Yeah, I can't just marry you and then hang out at the apartment alone. That would feel . . . Wrong."

He kissed me passionately before we went our separate ways.


"Thank you for braving the crowd with an infant," Christian whispered into my ear from behind me as I brushed my teeth. His arms wrapped around my waist as he placed gentle, deliberate kisses across my neck. "It meant a lot to me."

His hands snuck up the front of my shirt, and he started to caress my stomach. I stopped myself from gasping and finished up brushing my teeth. At this point, his hands were approaching my breasts.

My fingers found and circled his wrists, and I gently pushed his hands away from me. "Baby, we can't," I whispered, my tone disappointed.

He chuckled. "Annie, it's our wedding night, and we're a couple days away from six weeks. Do you think the two days will make that much of a difference when it comes to your health?"

I turned to face him. "Maybe not," I said softly. His hands found my waist again.

"Are you just nervous?" he asked with a comforting smile.

"A little, actually," I responded. What if it felt different? What if it hurt? What if he hated it?

"I'll be so careful," he whispered right before his lips met mine.

I kissed him back while he led us to the bedroom without breaking our mouths apart. We both giggled as he fell backward onto the bed and pulled me on top of him.

Feeling a little less insecure, I pulled off my tank top and threw it behind me. Christian smiled up at me before bringing his hands up and massaging my breasts delicately. "Always perfect," he murmured.

I ground my hips against his thin sweats, and he whimpered as I quickened my rhythm. I could feel his length press against me, and I returned his whimper with one of my own.

Out of nowhere, he flipped me onto my back and straddled me. "I can't wait to be inside of you." His voice was throaty and seductive, and I knew I was ready for him.

We threw off the rest of our clothes in record speed. "Open up," he whispered into my ear while settling a hand firmly between my closed legs.

He smiled as I spread them for him, and he wasted no time and inserted two fingers inside of me. "Fuck," I gasped, not having felt any part of him buried inside of me in months.

"So fucking tight," he groaned as he moved his long, thin fingers in and out of me to prep me for his cock.

After a few minutes, he removed his fingers and made a show out of sucking my wetness off of them. He gave me a cheeky smile before positioning himself on top of me again. "You ready?" he asked, his voice kind and considerate, but also low and full of want.

I just nodded, and squeezed my eyes shut as he slowly entered me. It was slightly painful, but the pain subsided once he was all the way inside of me. I let out a sigh as he started to move in and out of me.

He started slowly, and took great care to cover my face in kisses. "You're amazing," he said with a smile as he started to thrust harder and even more deliberately.

"I'm so lucky." I thought the words were in my head, but he definitely heard me.

"I love you," he said before taking his thrusts to a level that rendered him speechless.

When he finished, he helped me clean up before wrapping me tightly in his arms. "I have the best wife," he declared out of nowhere

"I have the best husband," I countered.

"We're both the luckiest," he said before reaching for the lamp on the nightstand and shutting off the lights.

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