Chapter Eighty: Done

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"Hey, baby. What's wrong? You look like you've been crying." Annie's face appeared pale and tear-stained on my phone screen. I knew we were both missing one another, but I didn't know she was this upset. Seeing her hurting broke my heart.

She chewed on her bottom lip before responding. "Asher stopped by my work," she practically whispered. I was just able to decipher her words.

My eyes widened in surprise . . . And a bit of jealousy. "Why?" I asked, my tone accusatory.

"He still thinks the baby is his."

"And you told me that's impossible." She was starting to cry, and I wasn't buying her fake emotional bullshit this time.

She sniffled. "He can be really convincing, and I want to play it safe for us. For you."

"Fuck this, Annie. I'm fucking done with you. It's always something. You're obviously still in love with him, and I'm not going to win even if I am the father," I shouted in anger.

"Christian, please. He told me he would leave us both alone if I just did the test. We can finally put this all behind us," she pleaded. "Isn't that worth it?"

"I can't do this any more. We're done. Have a good night."

"Christian, I-." I hung up before I could hear whatever lie she had to tell me.


Hannah: What the fuck are you doing, you pussy ass piece of shit?

Hannah: She LOVES you. It's one hundred percent YOUR baby. There's no way they fucked in the three minutes she was in the bathroom like he claims. It would have taken ten minutes for him to have found a way into her gown. He's manipulating her.

Christian: The problem is he can still manipulate her. She still gives into him.

Christian: I'm done, Hannah. I love her, but I'm done.

Hannah: And when she proves your Eloise's dad? Then what?

Christian: I'll be a dad. A good one.

Hannah: I thought you were the one for her. I honestly thought you'd be different. She loves you so goddamn much.

Christian: You thought wrong. Someone else can deal with her flakey bullshit.

Hannah: Is this about Asher, or is about her not quitting her job for you?

Christian: It's more complicated than that.

Hannah: You are a colossal disappointment, Christian Yelich.

Christian: I know I am.

At this point, I threw my phone against a wall. I wasn't sure who I was angriest at: Annie, Asher, or myself. Annie for jerking me around, Asher for being a manipulative piece of shit, or myself for being a spineless asshole.

Regardless, I needed an outlet. I stood up and picked up my phone. I examined it for damage before texting Shaw.

Christian: Let's go out.

Travis: Sure. I'll meet you in the lobby in fifteen minutes.


I sipped my beer at the bar while making consistent eye contact with the blonde on the other side. There was nothing special about her; she was just generically hot. I just needed generically hot.

"Don't do it, bro. You'll regret it," Shaw commented while sipping his own drink.

"I need it. It'll make everything really over. It'll make the breakup real."

"You really want it to be over? You love Annie. Don't fuck it up. You're going to want her back tomorrow, and this is going to hurt her. She deserves better than this, man." He looked at me with a little bit of disgust.

"I'll see you in the morning," I muttered as I made my way over to the mystery blonde. By the time I reached her, Shaw had already left.

"Hey, I'm Christian," I introduced myself to her.

She smiled at me, revealing a perfect, manufactured smile. "I know," she said. "I'm Darby."

"Do you wanna get out of here, Darby?" I placed a hand on her arm.

"Yes." She stood up, and we left the bar to go back to my hotel room.

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