Chapter Ninety-Five: Broken

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This is my fourth update today, so make sure you didn't miss anything. 😂


Hannah: I'll see you in Milwaukee. I booked a red-eye. I'll probably beat you there. Drive safely. Everything is going to be fine. Love you!

It was too late for me to fly out of Cleveland; there weren't any flights remaining for the evening. Instead, Alecia was kind enough to drive her rental and give me a ride to Milwaukee. Once she dropped me off, she'd turn right back around and return to Ohio. The whole trip would cost her about sixteen hours of her precious time. I felt awful, but I needed to get away, even if it was just an escape to the home we now shared.

"You can't go by yourself," she insisted. "It's too risky, especially considering how stressed you must be. I'll take you."

"You shouldn't have to miss the rest of the game," I whispered as she started the car.

"I don't give a damn about the game, Annie." She offered me a sympathetic smile, and we were on our way. "I care about you. I care about Eloise."

"Christian's your son," I muttered. "You should take his side. He didn't do anything wrong. We weren't together. He had a right to impregnate someone else. This is on me. One hundred percent on me."

Alecia looked at me. "First of all, she's probably doing this for attention. I highly doubt she's actually pregnant with his baby. Secondly, he did do something wrong. He loves you, and he tried to forget you by being an idiot. I don't approve of that behavior. I thought I raised him better than that."

I was crying at this point in the conversation. Christian and I had been doing so well. I felt like we were finally in a real, adult relationship. We were navigating our problems with ease and starting to believe we could successfully raise a child together. Now I just felt hopeless and empty. He might have a second child before Eloise's first birthday. How was I supposed to effectively deal with that? What was I going to do?

I could leave. Just pack my bags and head back to California. He could start a life with the blonde woman in the photo; I think he told me her name was Darby. Or was it Derby? I couldn't remember. I guess it didn't matter.

I could support Eloise on my own, but she might need more help. He should be with her.

My phone kept buzzing. Then Alecia's would buzz. Then mine would buzz again. We knew it was Christian, but we both ignored the vibrations.

Alecia held my hand while she drove, and, just like Hannah, she told me that everything would be okay.

I wasn't sure I believed them. Every time things started to feel okay, something like this happened. It's as if we were doomed from the start.


I felt someone shake me awake. "Annie, sweetheart, you're home."

I groggily wiped the sleep out of my eyes. "Oh my God, did I pass out for the whole drive? I'm sorry. You must have been so bored."

Alecia chuckled. "It's a good thing. I'm sure you needed it. Let me help you upstairs. Then I should get going."

"Can't you stay for a few hours? You need a nap. You drove through the night. I can't let you just leave. I mean, you could even stay until Christian gets home, right?"

Alecia sighed. "I'll get a power nap in, but I unfortunately can't stay long."

"That's a little better," I said as we made our way upstairs. I insisted that we take the steps, but it hurt a lot more than I thought it would. "I hate this," I muttered under my breath.

Alecia heard me. "It'll be worth it. I promise. She'll be worth all the pain."

When we got into the apartment, Hannah was in the kitchen eating a frozen pizza. "How did you even get in here?" I asked her. I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of her breaking into my apartment to prepare and eat frozen pizza.

Hannah smiled. "I made your dumbass boyfriend call the landlord and let me in. Sorry, Alecia, but he's definitely a dumbass."

"That he is." She smiled at both of us. "I'm going to get some rest. If I'm not up in two hours, will one of you get me out of bed?"

"Of course," Hannah agreed. Alecia left the two of us alone in the kitchen.

"Have you talked to Christian?" Hannah asked me.

"I haven't even looked at my phone since leaving."

"He was freaking out when I talked to him. I mean, he was breaking down. Just openly sobbing on the phone. I think you should at least let him know you're okay."

"I'm not ready to talk to him," I whispered.

"He's working to resolve the problem. I don't know exactly what that entails, but he's trying. I know he is."

"That's good, I guess," I said, trying to sound like I didn't care. I did, though. "I'm going to lie down for a bit."

"Yeah, you need some real sleep – not car sleep. Sweet dreams."

I yawned. "You catch some sweet dreams too," I said before leaving.

I stripped off my clothes and climbed into bed – relieved to have something soft to sleep on. I finally unlocked my phone and was met by 52 missed text messages – mostly from Christian. I read the last few he sent.

Christian: I am going to take care of this.

Christian: I love you, and I'll never stop fighting for you. For us.

Christian: Annie, please don't leave.

Christian: We've worked too hard to quit now.

I ignored the tears in my eyes and just let them fall this time.

I set my alarm for two hours from now – just in case Alecia needed help waking up – before crying myself to sleep.

It had been awhile, but I guess it was back to the usual Christian-Annie drama routine. I was so, so tired and so, so broken.

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