Chapter Fifty-Two: Actual Daddy

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Shaw set me up with one of his friends from his Kent State days – a softball player named Paige who now worked as an assistant coach at the University of Arizona. She was gorgeous, but the conversation was always too awkward and clunky. All I could think about when we spent time together was the effortless flow of my late night chats with Annie and how we were just sort of in tune with each other without having to try. My "relationship" with Paige just didn't feel the same way.

We were on date number three, and the conversations were becoming more serious with each dinner. Too serious. Too fast.

"So, do you want kids?" she asked me with a shy smile.

"I, uh," I paused to think for a second. "Yeah, I want kids. Just probably not until I'm done playing ball or at least toward the end of my career. What about you?" I didn't actually care about her thoughts on children. I just wasn't there, but I didn't want to be rude, either.

Paige shrugged. "I'm honestly not sure. If I met someone and it made sense, yes. If not, oh well. Dogs are cool."

I chuckled. Her answer was more level-headed than I was expecting. "Yeah, I totally get that. I think we're on the same page." I gave her a smile, and the conversation was a bit lighter from that point forward.

Toward the end of the night, she asked me if I wanted to go back to her place. Her question threw me off guard, but I was able to feed her a version of the truth. "I like you, Paige – quite a bit, actually – but I'm sort of struggling to get over someone. I don't think sleeping with you tonight would be fair to you. I'd like to see where this goes, but I'd understand if you don't want to see me again."

Paige nodded. "Thanks for being honest. Travis sorta told me about the whole Annie Delaney debacle. If you want to talk about it, I'm here. She's an intimidating act to follow anyway."

I chuckled. "She would think it's insane that you find her intimidating, and she'd probably be intimidated by you."

"She's breathtakingly beautiful."

"So are you, Paige," I said softly before placing my hands at her waist and gently brushing my lips against hers. It was a small move, but at least it was a move. And I genuinely wanted to do it. It wasn't forced.

"See me again tomorrow? Another late dinner?" I asked her after we broke apart.

"Yeah, that'd be nice," she agreed.


"All right, Annie, it's time to discuss the game plan."

"Uh, okay, coach," I said sarcastically as I bit into a Snickers ice cream bar.

"First play: Less processed sugar," she muttered before tearing the ice cream from my hand.

"Hey!" I whined. "I need that right now. That ice cream bar is filling a deep, dark emotional void." I watched as she tossed the Snickers in the trash and opened the fridge to dig out a bag of grapes. My heart broke a tiny bit.

"Here, unprocessed sugar." She tossed the bag to me.

"Totally not the same thing, and you know it." I popped a single grape into my mouth. "Blah," I said in disgust after chewing and swallowing. "I hate you." I usually loved fruit, but it tasted awful to me the past few days.

"By eating right and working with Tyler every day, you'll be able to keep all your roles with the assistance of a body double to hide your stomach. If you keep eating junk, you might lose those roles. Your face needs to stay thin."

"But this baby freaking loves processed sugar," I argued. "And I do too."

"Say it with me: fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats, fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats!" Hannah chanted, and I sort of wanted to throw grapes at her face. I didn't. Because I'm a decent person. Kinda, sorta.

"I know you're right, but I don't know if that's going to stop me from binge eating donuts in a few hours."

"I'm going to ask Tyler if he'll live here with you if you keep up the resistance."

"With us, you mean? And please, no. I don't want to do one hundred burpees at 4:00 in the morning."

"I do need to go check in on my apartment soon," she told me. "My roommate probably thinks I was murdered."

"Just move in here. Rent free. Two adorable, middle-aged pugs. Your hormonal, obnoxious manager only a few feet away from your bedroom. What's not to love?" I joked. Well, it was partially a joke.

"Do you actually want me to stay here with you?" she asked, her tone soft, but serious.

"I'd like you to stay here with me, but I don't want you to feel pressured. I'm quickly learning that pregnant women are insane and difficult to deal with."

"I'd love to stay here with you. It'll make my life a lot easier, honestly. And probably yours too."

I smiled and clapped my hands together in excitement. "This is the first good thing to happen to me since Christian went all daddy on me and took me against the wall. Although that was also emotionally scarring at the same time. Huge consequences. A little heartbreak. Whatever." I had been thinking about him every night before bed. It was a problem.

"Dude, you just won an Oscar; life is good. Also, one day, when you really want to disgust your daughter, make sure you tell her the romantic circumstances of her conception."

"The Oscar wasn't as good, honestly. That boy really knows what he's doing, even when filled with rage."

"And this brings me to play number two: Letting Christian know he's going to be an actual daddy. Yay!" she fake cheered.

"I'm not ready to do that yet. Let's pencil that in for May. Twenty or so weeks sounds like the proper point to inform someone they're going to be a parent, right? And then I can see him when he's in Milwaukee and tell my parents at the same time. Two birds, one stone. Overall, a very efficient use of time."

"I am going to put you on a plane to Arizona tomorrow, send you to whatever stadium the Brewers are playing at, and you're going to march right up to him and tell him if you keep it up with this nonsense."

"I don't know how to tell him, Hannah." Our once amusing conversation was taking a sharp turn that I wasn't prepared to handle.

"I think it's just something you have to do. Tear off that band-aid. I'll come with you."

"Okay," I said softly.

"We'll work it into your schedule."

"We will." I nodded.

"You're also almost through your first trimester, so there are probably a few more people you should tell before we make a general announcement via media outlets. I'm thinking we'd start with People."

"My parents, as I mentioned before, obviously. And the siblings."

"Yes and yes. You're getting this!"

"How much longer do you think I'll be able to hide this?" I placed a hand on my stomach. Nothing was showing yet, but I knew that circumstance would be changing soon.

"I honestly think you'll be okay for a long time with some strategic fashion choices and a healthy diet. You'll probably just show in your tummy, so I think we can hide a bump from the public into July. The good news is, you're only doing voice-over work late in summer, so we don't have to worry much when you do show. The timing couldn't be more perfect."

I sighed. "This could have not happened at all. That'd be better."

"I know that you're hurting right now, but it's going to be okay. You just need to tell Christian . . . Before someone else does."

I nodded. "He's going to hate me."

"He won't," Hannah said firmly. "Not if you tell him sooner rather than later."

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