Chapter One Hundred: Our Family

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Two short chapters in two hours. WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?


The liquid didn't come out in a whoosh like I was expecting – more like a heavy trickle. I wasn't in pain and there were no contractions, so I tried to stay calm, even though it was difficult. "Can you get me a towel and then call the doctor and see what we should do right now?" I asked Christian, who was frozen with fear.

"Y-yeah," he stuttered a little before booking it out of the room to grab a towel. When he came back I took the towel from his shaking hands and then went to the bathroom next to my room to clean up and self-examine.

Christian came into the bathroom a moment later. "Dr. Wagner wants to know if the liquid is clear."

"It's completely clear," I responded.

Christian repeated my response to the doctor.

"Do you have any contractions?"


"Do you feel nauseous?"

"No, I actually feel fine."

Christian talked to the doctor for another minute before getting off the phone. "She wants us to go to the hospital because your late preterm and there can still be complications. She said everything is most likely fine, but that you should be ready to have the baby . . ." I could tell he was incredibly scared. I was too. Terrified, really. Was I ready for this?

"Okay," I said softly. "Do you want to take me? I have a bag ready to go. It's underneath my desk. Can you grab it and take it to the car? I'm going to wash up a bit more and change really quickly."

"Who else would take you?" He sounded a little hurt, but he did manage to give me a small smile.

"I'm honestly surprised you're around for this. I thought for sure you'd be on the road when this happened. Plan B was always for my mom to take me."

He nodded his understanding and left the room to grab the bag.

"Annie?" I heard Sarah ask from outside the bathroom door. "Christian told me your water broke. What do I do? Should I wake up mom and dad? Do you want me to come to the hospital?" She asked all her questions in nervous hyper speed.

I chuckled a little and opened the door for her. "No, let them sleep. They can come when they wake up. You should get some sleep too. Christian is here. He's got this." And I was so relieved and lucky he was. He didn't have to be. He wasn't supposed to be. I had Sarah to thank for letting him in.

"Okay. Text me whatever you need. I'll come to the hospital if you need anything. Are you going to St. Luke's?" she asked me.

"Yeah, St. Luke's. And thank you, Sarah."

"You're welcome, sis."

Christian came up the stairs and gave my sister a hug before she retreated to her room.

"I just have to get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs." I changed into the most comfortable outfit I could find – leggings and a UCLA sweatshirt – and met Christian in the living room.

"You ready?" he asked while looking me in the eyes and placing his hands on each side of my stomach.

"I think so," I whispered, even though I still didn't know.

"I love you, Annie. You can do this."

He gently kissed my mouth, and I instinctively kissed him back before realizing what I was doing and pulling away from him. "Christian . . ." I started, but he didn't let me finish.

"I told you. I'm not giving up on our family. Let's go." 

I let him hold my hand as we hurried to his car. Well, he hurried. I sort of just . . . waddled.

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