Chapter Sixty-Eight: Two Choices

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It had been a great morning. I made Annie breakfast and then we fucked, cuddled on the couch, and watched a movie until I had to leave for the park. This time, I was confident she'd meet me at 3:00 – like she had promised yesterday. I believed her when she told me she was done running away.

I decided to not bring up marriage again until after the game. She seemed so at peace when we woke up, and I didn't want to ruin quality time together with a difficult discussion. We weren't getting enough of it, and I knew she'd have to go back to Los Angeles soon. Each minute was important.

"Why are you so happy?" Shaw asked me as we ate an early dinner in the clubhouse.

I shrugged. "Just feeling good about tonight."

Shaw chuckled. "Bullshit. Who is she?"

I still hadn't told anyone outside of my family that Annie was pregnant and that we're officially together, but, if I could trust anyone on the team, it was him. "Annie will be at the game tonight."

"Seriously?" Shaw asked incredulously. "I thought you were over her. You broke up with Paige and told me, and I quote, you were ready to 'just live it up.'"

"I'm obviously a filthy liar," I joked. "I've been stuck on her since the day we met, and she finally agreed to give me a chance or whatever."

"Dude, good on you. She's gorgeous . . . and smart. But how are you going to make this work? I mean, if you don't mind me asking."

"We're just rolling with the punches, I guess."

"As long as you're both happy, dude. If anyone can make it work, it's you. When you commit to something, you really commit."

"And, one more thing, but it has to stay between us . . ."

"Yeah?" Shaw asked with food in his mouth. Baseball players aren't the classiest when they eat. I wasn't an exception to the rule.

"She's pregnant."

Shaw spit out the food in his mouth onto his plate. "You're fucking kidding me, right?"

"No. Four months along with Yeli, Jr."

Shaw laughed. "Annie doesn't strike me as the type of woman who's going to go along with Yeli, Jr. Do you actually know it's a boy?" Shaw was trying to whisper so no one would overhear us. There wasn't anyone in earshot, so I wasn't overly concerned.

"No, and Annie is pretty convinced she's having a girl. I just like giving her crap about it. I don't care either way."

"Congratulations, man. You're in for a fun ride. Fatherhood is crazy."

"There's going to be a press release on Monday. Until then, just keep it to yourself."

"Not a problem. I've got your back."


I was on my way to meet Annie, so I could say goodbye to her brothers and take her home. I was ready to give the marriage discussion another shot after a good game. I felt confident I could get her to say yes.

I checked my phone one last time before leaving the clubhouse in case I had missed a text from her.

Unknown: You're not the dad, dude.

Unknown: Get fucked.

My heart dropped a little. I never once considered the option that I wasn't the father. She'd have no reason to lie to me, would she? She didn't need my money. A baseball player was a more difficult relationship for her to handle than another successful actor or an accountant or just about anyone . . .

I knew I shouldn't let a random text bother me, but it was too late. I had to know more. I felt sick and angry and sometimes it's just too easy to believe a stranger.

Christian: Who is this?

Unknown: You already know.

I rolled my eyes. Of course it was this fucker.

Christian: Asher?

Unknown: Bingo. Ask her what she remembers about the Golden Globes.

Unknown: Probably not much.

Unknown: She was wasted.

Unknown: And I was available. Her little baseball player bitch wasn't around.

Unknown: And what are two drunk, rich, attractive people who love each other supposed to do?

Unknown: Sorry, bro.

Unknown: I realize you probably thought you had a chance.

Unknown: But come on. Baseball isn't even a real sport.

Unknown: And she can do so much better than some uneducated Neanderthal-looking motherfucker who swings sticks at balls for a living.

Unknown: Have a good night. 😉

I resisted the urge to throw my phone into my locker but, before I could, Annie texted me.

Annie: Where are you? Your friend Travis is asking me a lot of weird questions. Please come help.

Annie: I mean, he's nice and funny and I like him. But help would be good.

Annie: Also, I love you, so it'd be nice to see you.

Annie: That's a part of this too. I don't actually need help. Just come. I want you.

I had two choices: ignore Asher entirely or confront Annie, but I knew my mind was already made up as I went to find her.

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