Chapter One Hundred Two: This Is Happening

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"Can you play baseball with a broken hand?" I asked Christian after a particularly bad contraction. I was concerned I was causing some major, permanent damage.

He chuckled. "It doesn't even hurt. Squeeze as much as you need to feel better."

"You would tell me if I was actually causing a problem, right?"

"No, I wouldn't right now, but you're not." He kissed my cheek.

Immediately after the kiss, Hannah burst through the door in normal Hannah fashion. "I told them I was your sister because I'm a liar. Also, congratulations on being back together, nerds."

Christian rolled his eyes. "Hey, Hannah! Welcome back to Milwaukee."

"Thanks, Christian!" she joked before turning her attention to me. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Awful, honestly." I was surprised at how much everything hurt, even after being told how painful labor is my entire life.

"She's a champ," Christian added. "Barely even makes a sound when a contraction hits."

Hannah smiled. "How much longer?"

I sighed deeply. "Don't know. Waiting on the doctor for an update. Hopefully we get one soon."

"This is seriously so amazing. I'm so proud of you. Andrew and I have read so many baby books. We're ready!"

"You guys are trying to show me up," Christian chuckled.

"You'll have dad instincts, Chris. You don't have to worry, honestly," Hannah comforted him. "You'll be a pro."

"I haven't read a single book," he admitted.

"Who cares?" I asked him rhetorically. I then squeezed his hand as another contraction distracted me from the conversation. "Oh, fuck," I whispered . . . over and over again,

When the excruciatingly painful waves ended, Dr. Wagner showed up. "All right, Annie, how far apart are the contractions? How intense is the pain?"

"Six minutes with regularity. Very. Nine on a ten scale."

"We're getting very close. Let's check how dilated you are, shall we?"

She performed the brief exam, and I was already dilated eight centimeters. "I'm going to schedule the C-section for noon, so in about ninety minutes," she informed me. "You ready for the home stretch?"

"I'm so ready."

"Is daddy going to be the one in the room with you during surgery?" She looked over at Christian.

"Fuck yeah," he exclaimed, causing all of us to laugh.

"Let's do this!" Hannah clapped her hands together.

When the doctor left, Hannah let us know our moms were here. "They wanted me to check and see if you wanted visitors. Would you like me to send them in before you're prepped for surgery?"

"Yes, please."

"I'll let them know." Hannah leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You're going to do great. I love you. Can't wait to hold your beautiful baby girl."

For whatever reason, I started sobbing, and I remembered how terrified I was. "Oh my God, this is happening," I pointed out the obvious to my boyfriend and best friend.

"You're going to be the best fucking mom, baby," Christian said with confidence while squeezing my hand this time.

"He's right," Hannah stated right before leaving the room.

I hoped they were right, and I hoped everything went according to plan.

"This will all be over soon. We'll be holding our baby in a couple of hours." Christian was doing a good job comforting me. I was so lucky to have him.

He kissed me quickly as our moms stopped in for a final chat before Eloise's arrival.

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