Chapter One Hundred Eleven: Running Errands

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Shout out to @oliviaanne_ for giving this story its 1000th vote. Thank you for reading!


Christian had another off day during an early September home stand. We decided it was time to attempt something together that we hadn't really tried yet – running errands. "It will make us feel like a normal couple," Christian commented.

"We are a normal couple," I replied while trying to prepare Eloise to leave the apartment. We still hadn't gotten the process down to a science.

"Our lifestyle is pretty abnormal, babe. We have a nanny. I play baseball as a job. You're an actress. People recognize us when we get dinner. Always. We had a baby within a year of knowing each other . . ."

"I know, I know," I sighed. "But when we're together, we're normal. We watch television, we laugh at dumb things, we cuddle, we bicker about the temperature of the house . . ."

"Yeah, of course. Let me do that, so you can get ready." He kissed my cheek and took over changing Eloise's diaper, which I had started to do.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

It was a whole production to leave the apartment with an almost-one-month-old infant, but we managed to pull it off in about thirty minutes. It was probably a new record if we took into account Andrew wasn't here to help. 


"That was more of a work out than I was expecting, Lo," Christian muttered softly once Eloise was securely wrapped against the front of his body. Seeing him holding her always made my heart flutter.

"You're sweating," I said with a smile.

"It's hot!" he refuted before dramatically wiping his brow.

"I'll push the cart because you were kind enough to get Lo." He was definitely winning the nickname battle. Even I had given up "Elle" in favor of "Lo." It suited her.

We both wore sunglasses and baseball hats inside the store – thinking it would help us not be recognized. "I've never actually been grocery shopping with my significant other before," Christian said shyly.

"You're not missing out. I'm convinced 99.9% of dumb relationship arguments happen in super markets." As I was placing some apples into our cart, I heard my name loud and clear. "Annie Delaney!" At first I thought it was a fan, but the voice was familiar. I couldn't identify it right away, but then I saw his face.

"Oh, hey, Trevor," I said, my tone surprised. I gave him a quick up and down with my eyes. He looked good . . . Fit. Tall. Smart. Stylish. I, on the other hand, looked like I had just rolled out of a dumpster.

"You look absolutely incredible," he said with a smile, clearly checking me out and paying Christian no mind. "I can't believe you just had a baby." He finally glanced over at Christian to take a look at Eloise.

"I look like I haven't slept in ten years, but it's cool," I replied.

"We should catch up some time. Are you going to be in Milwaukee for a while?"

"Just until Christian's season ends." I motioned toward Christian to introduce him. "This is my boyfriend, Christian."

"Fiancé," Christian corrected me before shaking Trevor's hand.

"Nice to meet you, dude. Glad you're on the Brewers. We're lucky to have you."

"Thanks," Christian replied coolly. He was clearly on edge for some reason. I could hear the discomfort permeate his voice.

"Well, we should definitely grab something to eat before you leave the Cream City," Trevor said before unexpectedly pulling me into a hug. His hands settled lower than they probably should have. "Is your number the same?"

"It hasn't changed since I was 14, actually."

"Awesome, I'll be in touch soon."

As soon as Trevor walked away, I heard Christian whisper "fuck that guy" under his breath.

"He wasn't that bad." 

Christian's eyes widened, clearly taken aback that I heard his comment. "Oh, please, he basically grabbed your ass right in front of me. Who is he, anyway?"

"Please don't be weird and jealous because some dude I dated in high school ran into me in a grocery store." I began to push the cart again.

Christian followed me. "You flirted with him right in front of me."

"You're joking, right?"

"Well, he flirted with you, and you didn't exactly object to it. You acted like a schoolgirl with a crush."

"Christian, you let a naked stripper grind against your dick and kiss you on the mouth, and I didn't give you any shit for it." I realized my voice was louder than I wanted it to be, so I took it down a notch. "Just drop it. Please."

"You're not actually going to have dinner with him?" he asked me. Lo was starting to get fussy, but Christian wasn't paying her much mind.

"He's an old friend, Christian. I can't get lunch with old friends?" I only said this to annoy him because his jealousy was unreasonable. I had zero interest in seeing Trevor outside of the grocery store. I knew I was being manipulative, and I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach because of it.

"Not old friends who grab your ass in front of your fiancé," he countered.

"He didn't. He touched my back. Don't be dramatic." People were watching us now. A teenager was even taking photos. "Let's talk about this later," I whispered. "Or this will end up in a magazine that we can grab at checkout."

Christian rolled his eyes. "Fine."

We finished up our trip without saying another word to one another. 

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