Chapter One Hundred Thirteen: No Doubt

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Why is Christmas so soon? 


"You're positive you want to do this?" Hannah asked me the night before I was set to marry Christian. "I know it's not like you to be impulsive, so I just thought I'd . . . check. I want you to be happy." Her words were careful and deliberate – like she didn't want to offend me.

"I'm absolutely sure. I mean, I wasn't someone who really thought about getting married at all growing up, and I know this isn't the most romantic way to do things, but I want to be his wife, you know? I want to tie our family together. I want to commit one hundred percent. I don't even feel nervous or anything. Just ready."

Hannah nodded. "I think he's the perfect fit for you. I mean, he's super dumb sometimes, and you're super smart . . . But I think that works."

I chuckled a little. "He's not dumb. He just hasn't expanded his worldview much. When all you care about is baseball for most of your life, you're not really going to broaden your intellectual horizons much."

"I think you'll help with that. You've already made him a more well-rounded person. I mean, look at that guy dad. He dads super hard. Number one!"

"I'm going to make him go to art museums with me in Sydney. He's going to haaaaaaate it. Can't wait!"

"You're the only art he's going to be looking at," Hannah said with a wink. "Anyway, how did he take the news that you're not changing your name to Annie Margaret Yelich?"

I sighed. "He was pretty pissed at first, but I talked him down. He took it to mean I don't want to be a family with him, which is bonkers, but I rationalized it. I explained that my name is really important to me and my parents, and that it's also a big part of my career. I think he understood. Eloise has his last name, and our next daughter will have his last name. I reminded him of that."

Hannah snorted. "You're totally going to have a Christian, Jr. next."

"Nah, just girls!" I said smugly.

"You're in for a rude awakening, babycakes. Does your family know about the wedding, or is it really just going to be me, Travis Shaw, and you lovesick nerds?"

"Just the four of us and Lo. Then we're going to have a big party in Los Angeles on New Year's Eve to celebrate with everyone and share the good news. We'll keep it under wraps for now. Hopefully the press doesn't figure everything out. We just want to enjoy each other."

"Bold," Hannah said with a smile.

"The party will be shortly after we get home from Australia."

"It'll be on Eloise's conception anniversary. Just so you know." Hannah smirked.

"Thanks for the reminder!" I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe . . ."

I cut her off. "It's not time for baby number two."

"And it definitely wasn't time for baby number one."

"Shut your beautiful mouth."


I stared out the window on our flight home from St. Louis. Shaw disrupted my daze. "Thinking about the rest of your life with Annie Delaney?"

"I'm afraid she's going to back out. I just have this feeling, you know?" I was worried. The anxiety churned my stomach. I was ready to marry her. Was she ready to marry me? She was always so cautious, and this was a huge step. We had only known each other for ten months . . . less than a year.

"Nah, dude, she's not going anywhere."

"How do you know?"

"She would have left when you gave her a real reason to get out of town. The Darby incident, the strip club, the running away to your momma after finding out she was pregnant . . ."

"I get it, dude. I had some dumb moments." I sighed. "She'll be at the courthouse?" I needed more validation. 

"There's no doubt in my mind," Shaw confirmed.

I just nodded before continuing to think about worst case scenarios while staring out the window.

I was staying with Shaw when we landed in Milwaukee. We figured we'd stick to one tradition. We hadn't seen each other in person in a week, so what was a few more hours? I missed her and Lo, but the wait would be worth it . . . If she showed up.  

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