Chapter Thirty-Four: Dirty Things

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"Are you sure you're feeling up to this?" Christian asked me. "We can do this when we get back to Los Angeles instead."

We finally had our one off day, meaning no camerapeople were surrounding us, and that meant Christian and I were going out on an actual date. We had spent a lot of time together, but we never labeled any of that time "dating." It was just hanging out or hooking up.

"What are we going to do?" I was curious as we waited for our car service, as he didn't seem like that thorough of a planner up to this point in our friendship.

Christian smiled. "I figured we should spend some time in a small Irish town away from everybody else, but that's all I'm going to say."

I smiled at him. He had told me to pack an overnight bag, so I figured we'd be traveling a little bit.

For whatever reason, even though we had spent so much time together and he was familiar with every inch of my body at this point, I felt nervous. I was afraid I was going to disappoint him, or I wasn't going to be able to give him what he wants during our time together. I didn't completely understand his expectations.

When the car arrived, the chauffeur loaded our bags into the trunk and opened our doors for us. Once we started the drive, Christian unknowingly calmed me down by placing a hand gently on my knee. "This is going to be fun," he said softly, running his hand slowly from my knee to my upper thigh. I bit my lip and nodded my head in nervous agreement.


We returned to the country cottage Christian had booked for the night after a dinner in Ballycastle on the Antrim Coast. The water and rocky coast were beautiful. Christian was charming and funny; it still surprised me now charming and funny he was day after day. The food was delicious.

I hated the word perfect, but it was definitely as close as I've come to a perfect first date. And, once again, I felt nervousness take over me. There was a feeling of impending disaster I just couldn't shake.

Christian interrupted my daze with a quiet question. "Do you want me to start a fire?" he asked. "It's pretty chilly in here."

"Yes, please." I walked over to the couch, sat down, and pulled my knees into my chest.

Christian stoked the fire until he was satisfied with the flames and then took a seat next to me. "I'm having the best time with you," he whispered.

"Same," I muttered, my voice shakier than I had intended. "You really are great. I didn't want you to be, but you've made me super happy this past week."

"You've made me smile since the moment you walked in the room." He ran his long fingers through his hair before licking his lips and looking at me. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

"What does that mean?" The question was loaded and out of place, and I was unsure how to interpret it.

"I want to make you feel good tonight, but you need to trust me." He licked his lips again. "I want to do some really fucking dirty things to you. I've been holding back a bit."

"What kind of dirty things?" I asked teasingly, trying to play it cool, but I could feel myself growing with desire.

"Everything we've joked about and more." His voice was deeper now. "I want to make you cum so hard tonight, baby, but you have to trust me."

I was one hundred percent game to play along at this point. Each word he spoke was making me wetter, and my breathing became more labored with each sentence. "Show me what you've got, Christian," I teased again, but I didn't feel as confident as I sounded.

"If anything is too much for you, just let me know."

I nodded. "It won't be. I'm ready for this."

He returned the nod and then grabbed his bag. "Let's go upstairs and get started."

What exactly was I in for when we got up to the master bedroom?

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