Chapter Thirty-Three: Friends with Benefits

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After filming, the medical doctor on staff informed me Annie had been discharged to our bedroom and was doing a lot better. "Her temperature is down, and she should be at one hundred percent soon."

I walked quickly. I missed her. A lot.

Being stuck with Kaylie and Asher for an evening wasn't my definition of a good time, and Kaylie made it even worse by trying to make moves on me. I was exhausted, and I just wanted to settle down in bed with Annie.

When I walked into the room, the lights were off, so I flipped them on. I was surprised to see Annie up in bed. "Hey, beautiful. How are you feeling? And what are you doing just sitting here in the dark?"

My words caused Annie to start sobbing, which caught me completely off guard. "Oh my God, Annie, what's wrong? What happened?" I rushed over to her side, but she dodged my attempt at affection.

"You know what's wrong," she said softly.

I honestly had no idea. "I don't, Annie. What's this about?"

"Why do you guys always think you can just play dumb and just get away with it?" She was still crying, and I wanted to kiss all of her tears away.

"What am I getting away with? Please, Annie. Just tell me."

She buried her head in hands and massaged her temples. "The picture. Asher sent me a picture."

"What picture?"

She pulled out her phone, which she had been allowed to keep when under medical supervision, and showed me a grainy, dark photo. I could make out Kaylie's body against mine.

I couldn't help but laugh when she showed it to me. "Are you seriously upset about this? Kaylie made a move on me, and I whispered 'fuck off' in her ear. That's what's happening here. Do you seriously think I kiss with my hands on the side like that? Is that where I put my arms when we're making out? Did Asher send this to you? Are you seriously believing that motherfucker?" My rant sounded angrier than I had intended, and it caused Annie to cry more intensely. "I wouldn't do that to you. I'm a little hurt you think I would." My tone was gentler now.

She wiped some of the tears out of her eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just—"

"There's absolutely no need to apologize. I get why you assumed the worst. He treated you like shit, and you can't see me through a different lens. It's understandable."

"The dumb thing is we're not even exclusive. Even if you would have had sex with her, I can't actually be mad at you. I'm sorry I'm being so emotional." She had stopped crying, so she wiped the last of her tears away. "I try not to be like this."

Feeling it was safe to do so now, I crawled into bed next to her, wrapped her in my arms, and looked her directly in the eyes. "I want to be exclusive, though. I've been hinting at it for a few days now, but you keep changing the subject."

"I just don't think we should decide on whether or not to be in a relationship in such a strange context." Her voice was quiet.

"I respect that, but how about we just agree to not be physical with other people for now?" I compromised. Her soft rejection stung a little, but I empathized with her perspective.

"That I would appreciate," she whispered.

"So we're exclusive friends with benefits, eh? I can work with that." I smirked and then went in for a kiss.

"This should be fun," she joked as I pulled away.

"Very," I agreed before kissing her more aggressively.

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