Chapter Ninety-Two: This Boyfriend Thing

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"I love you. I'll see you in a few days." I kissed Annie's sweet lips, as I held her tighter in my arms. When we broke apart, I wiped the tears from her eyes. "It's going to be great. It's going to be perfect."

She nodded. "Thank you for everything. I'm so glad we had this time together."

I chuckled and kissed her again. "Don't thank me for what's going to be the new normal." We were doing so much better now that we were making more of an effort to be together. I wanted to keep building off this momentum.

Leaving the hotel in San Diego that afternoon was bittersweet. I hated saying goodbye to her, but I knew we'd be together again soon. And this time, it was going to be different.


Hannah: Taking my best friend away from me? 😭😭😭

Christian: I'll take good care of her. I promise. 😘

Hannah: You better! Andrew and I will hold down the fort here and get your Malibu nursery ready. Because we are the best.

Christian: You are. Can I ask you something that I probably shouldn't? It's really personal.

Hannah: Yes. I love secrets.

Christian: Annie and I didn't have sex at all while I was in California. Is it because of my slip up while we were on a break or?

Hannah: Dude, she's six months pregnant and feeling super ginormous and insecure. She's probably not going to bang you until after Eloise is born. Sorry, tall, skeleton-like, homie.

Christian: Well, that's the fucking worst idea ever.

Hannah: No pussy makes the dick grow fonder or whatever that saying is.

Christian: That's not at all close.

Hannah: 💁‍♀️

Christian: I want to make my apartment feel like our home before she gets here. What should I do?

Hannah: Make sure you have actual food in your house.

Hannah: Buy her a bookshelf.

Hannah: Prep for the baby to show how much you care. I'll send you a list of all the things you should buy.

Hannah: Flowers. She loves flowers!

Hannah: Oh! Frame a picture of you two. I have a cute one from San Diego. I'll send it.

Hannah: That's all I've got, bro.


"I'm proud of you," my mom told me as we finished putting groceries away. "You've come a long way."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I honestly didn't know if you'd ever take a chance on love," she said softly. "You certainly were enjoying that bachelor lifestyle. Maybe a bit too much."

"Mom, don't be sappy and weird right now." I placed a couple of pints of Ben & Jerry's in the freezer.

"I just think she's the one."

"She is the one, mom. There will never be anyone else."

"She's going to love these small touches. Did you frame the photo yet?" she asked as she bundled all the empty plastic bags from the supermarket together.

"Yeah, it's on the nightstand next to our bed."

"And you're going to cook dinner for her when she gets in? The taco recipe is on your fridge." She pointed toward a sheet of paper she had stuck to the fridge door. "You have all the ingredients. I bought double in case you mess it up."

"Yeah, there's a good chance I'll fuck it up."

"Language, young man."

"Sorry, mom."

Annie would be spending at least two months in Milwaukee with me, and, because I'd be gone half the time, it was important that she actually had a place that felt a little homey. My stale bachelor apartment wouldn't have done the trick.

I replenished the fridge, added some decorations, and started furnishing the second bedroom with baby supplies. I'd pick up fresh flowers in the morning.

I was finally starting to get the hang of this boyfriend thing.

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