Chapter Eighty-Two: Human Garbage

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Huge thank you to thosedamnyankees for the wonderful book cover! Additional thanks for always liking my chapters. I appreciate it so much. The support helps me write.

Finally, sorry if any of you hate me for this one. 😽


I opened the door to my room and let Darby step in before me. "Ladies first," I muttered while flipping on the lights.

"Such a gentleman," she whispered seductively as she ran a finger slowly from my chest to the button of my jeans.

"Nah, not really." I shrugged.

She stood on her toes to attempt to kiss my mouth, but I moved my thumb to her lips before she could make contact. "No mouth kisses," I uttered as I tilted her head away.

"Why not?" She gave me a fake pout.

"Let's not pretend this is romantic. You want to fuck me to brag to your friends, and I want to fuck you because I'm desperately trying to fall out of love with someone."

"You're sort of an asshole, but that's just my type," she informed me as she took her shirt off and walked toward the bed.

I placed my wallet and phone on the nightstand before following her lead and removing my t-shirt.

She stood in front of me and unbuttoned my pants before pulling them down my legs. She did the same with her own skirt before reaching out to roughly grab the growing bulge in my boxers. "I need to get you harder than this," she whispered as she pushed me back on the bed.

She straddled my lap, and I sat up and pulled her against me. She teased me by grinding her pussy against my dick. I kissed her cleavage, but she got off of my lap before I could take it anywhere further.

She knelt in front of me and once again grabbed my cock through my underwear. "Much better, baby," she murmured before helping me get out of my boxers.

"Fuck, you're huge," she exclaimed. "I can't wait to feel you buried inside of me."

She aggressively took my member into her mouth and began to suck me off. "I want to taste your cum," she muttered as she gasped for air before continuing to service me.

"Just keep doing that," I moaned. It didn't take long for me to shoot my load down her throat, and she smiled for me as she swallowed all of it.

"Am I helping you get over her?" she asked. She gently stroked my cock, which was already growing hard again.

My phone started to ring, but I chose to ignore it in favor of responding to her. "Let me fuck your ass, and we'll see."

"Okay with me, but fucking my ass won't hurt her if that's what you're going for," she chided.

I stood up and practically ripped her panties off of her before pressing her against the wall. I unhooked and removed her bra for good measure and then reached around her body to squeeze her obviously fake tits. I finally positioned my dick between her legs and rubbed the head of my cock up and down her core. She moaned for me, and I covered her mouth with my free hand — not in the mood to hear it.

"You're probably right," I whispered into her ear before slamming my dick all the way inside of her wet cunt. At the same time I entered her, my phone went off again.

"Goddamnit," I muttered.

"Just ignore it," she instructed me, her voice muffled against my hand, but, for whatever reason, I couldn't let it go. I pulled my cock out of Darby and urgently grabbed my phone off the nightstand. Hannah. Of course.

I had to answer. I couldn't not answer, even though I knew she was just calling to chew me out.

"Hello," I muttered, my tone annoyed. "I'm kinda in the middle of something."

"Annie's in the hospital," Hannah replied flatly.

My phone dropped from my hand, and it took me a moment to recover it because my hands were shaking so badly. "What?" I asked stupidly.

"She sort of hunched over and then fainted then hit her head on a rock. She was knocked out cold. There was a lot of blood. I don't have anything else for you right now. I just thought you might want to know, even if you don't actually give a fuck." Hannah sounded so frantic. I never heard her sound anything but cool and collected. I froze up.

"The baby?" was all I could manage to choke out. I could feel my stomach begin to tie into knots. My hands were shaking even harder. "Is she okay?" I struggled to ask.

"I know nothing. I have to go, though."

"I'll be on the next flight out," I muttered. "Please keep me updated."

"I will, even though you fucking suck, you piece of human garbage."

My eyes met Darby's, and it hit me how right Hannah was. What the hell was I doing?

Annie Delaney was the love of my life, and I had ruined everything. It was all on me. Annie never did anything wrong . . . I caused all of this.

"You gotta go," I told Darby forcefully. "I gotta go too."

"Jesus, you are a prick."

"You're no prize yourself," I muttered as I tossed her shirt to her before pulling my boxers back on. "Have higher standards than someone who only wants to fuck you to try to forget someone he could never possibly get over."

She got dressed quickly and left.

I took a five minute shower before booking it to the Philadelphia airport. I'd call Couns in the morning to get placed on emergency family leave. I'm sure the Brewers organization would allow it considering the circumstances.

What the fuck had I just done?

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