Chapter One Hundred Five: Girls

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"Are you being serious?" I asked her, a little taken aback by her question. Marriage was the last thing in the world she wanted just a week or so ago.

"Why would I joke about this?" She squeezed my hand. "I want to marry you."

"Did Eloise change your mind?" I asked softly.

"I never didn't want to marry you, Christian. I just had some things I needed to figure out first. Yes or no? Don't leave me hanging, bro." She smiled at me.

"Of course I'll marry you. If it were up to me, we would be married already," I said with a smirk. "I don't have your ring here. I'd like to give that to you to confirm things . . . Make it real."

"Don't worry about the ring. Let's just enjoy this. Eloise and a wedding and each other."

"Did you just say no to me so you could propose to me instead?" I joked. "Classic Annie Delaney power play."

"Noooo, I just saw you with sweet little Elle and realized how badly I want to be your wife."

"Oh, you mean sweet little Lo, right? She definitely prefers Lo. She let me know while you were sound asleep."

"You asshole."

"You love me, baby."

"I do," she confirmed.

"When do you want to get married? I'm game any time."

She thought for a second. "As soon as we get back to Malibu . . . Right before Australia."

"Wait, what? That soon?" I was surprised. I was positive she'd want to wait. She was a cautious person generally.

"Yeah, I just want a simple courthouse wedding followed by dinner with just close friends and family. And then for our honeymoon, we'll just have Andrew watch Eloise while we have a lot of sex in our bedroom to make up for all this time we haven't been able to fuck."

"Wait, we can't have sex still? Are you serious?" I was already suffering.

"Baby, no. We have to wait six more weeks."

"Goddamn you, Eloise," I  joked while shaking my fist at her.

"Just think of how amazing it will be." She looked down at Eloise whose eyes had finally opened for her. "Oh my God, she's awake!" she exclaimed. "And she's not crying at the sight of me! Look at her little baby eyes!"

We were absolutely enchanted by her. We watched intensely as she yawned. Dorothy, the nurse from earlier, joined us a moment later. "Oh good! You're both awake. Ready to try breastfeeding?" she asked Annie.

"I think so," she replied nervously. "I'm worried she won't latch because she came early, and I didn't get to spend time with her right away."

Dorothy nodded her understanding. "It may take some time and practice, but what good thing doesn't?"

I watched as Dorothy helped Annie get ready. It didn't take Eloise long to figure it out. "Look, you're a pro already. Are you comfortable?"

Annie still looked very nervous, but she also looked really happy. "Yeah, I think I'm good."

"Momma needs to eat too. I'm going to get you a late dinner, okay?"

"That would be wonderful. Thank you."

"Daddy's mom brought him in a burger and fries earlier, so I imagine he's fine?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks."

"A burger and fries?" Annie asked with a raised eyebrow and a tone of jealousy. "I want a burger and fries."

"I'll bring you something good tomorrow. I promise." I kissed her cheek and continued to watch Annie and our daughter interact. They were both so beautiful.

"Christian?" Annie started.


"How many babies do you want?"

"You told me we were done, so one? I don't think I'm allowed to reproduce with anyone else? Am I right?"

"Maybe I changed my mind," she said coyly. "Maybe I want one more now that I know how perfect our babies can be."

"Three. I want three."

"All girls, right? Three girls?"

"Do you want me to be crushed and turned into a soulless worm? Is that your plan?" I asked her with a smirk. "Three daughters and you? I'll forget how to say no."

"Let's have another. Pleeeeease?"

I laughed and buried my head in my hands. "Whenever you're ready, we can have another baby."

"I mean, I'm sensible, so we'll wait a bit."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Good because the two of you on top of baseball are going to keep me pretty busy."

"She is the best present I have ever received. I love you both so much."

"You two are my world. I mean, if I couldn't play baseball any more, I'd still be happy. That's a big deal for me."

"I know," she whispered.

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