Chapter Thirty-One: The Convent

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FYI: The smutty chapters get way more reads. We're all pervs.


We were already off to the next location — some old, forlorn convent in Belfast, Ireland. This time, we were taking a small, private plane rather than a rickety bus.

I sat next to Annie, holding her hand as she laid her head on my shoulder. She had been unable to break her fever all day and refused to see the on-site medical professional. "It's just the flu," she insisted every time Lindsey, James, or I urged her to take more action.

"Hey, if your fever isn't gone by tomorrow morning, can I take you to the doctor?" I asked her in a whisper.

She expressed her frustration with me through a sigh. "A doctor is going to tell me to take the same steps I'm already taking — hydration, bland food, and aspirin. Christian, seriously, I'm okay. It's sweet you're so concerned, but I've handled and conquered the flu before."

"I know. It's just you're still running really hot, even though you've taken those steps. I'm just a little worried."

I watched her as she looked up at me and then felt her gently squeeze my hand. "If my fever isn't down by the morning, I'll see the doctor."

"Thank you." I smiled at her before kissing the top of her head.


We settled into our new room for the night. It was dingy and dilapidated — not as nice as the other two locations. "You should get in bed, babe. I'll bring you some water. Anything else you need?"

"I just want you," she said. "Don't go."

Her words caught me off guard — just as they had when she asked me to take a bath with her. "What do you mean? You want me to not leave to get you water?"

"Just get in bed with me, please."

I watched her carefully as she stripped down to just her panties before crawling into bed — not giving me enough time to admire how she looked mostly naked. "I'm so hot," she said, pulling just the sheet over her and kicking down the comforter.

"Yeah, you are," I jokingly agreed.

She rolled her eyes at me. "This place is legitimately creepy and off-putting. I don't feel comfortable, so I'm glad you're with me."

"Are you scared?" I asked her with a raised brow before joining her in bed. "Don't be."

"No, just bad vibes." Her voice was soft but somewhat raspier than normal. It was turning me on a little, but I figured she wouldn't be into me making a move while she was so under the weather.

Before I could finish my thought, she had curled up next to me, and her bare skin felt so soft and warm against mine.

"Hey, Christian," she muttered.


"Remember how you said you wanted to make love to me or whatever but then you just fucked my brains out instead?"

I choked back a laugh. "Yeah, of course I remember."

"Do you want to try the making love part tonight? I know I'm sick and gross, but—"

Before she could finish telling me why I shouldn't make love to her, my mouth found hers.

When we broke apart, she finished her thought. "But, like I said. I really want you. Show me what your definition of making love is."

"Pressure is on, huh?" I whispered into her ear before moving my body on top of hers and covering her neck in gentle, deliberate kisses.

She ran her hands up and down my back as I kissed her neck and collar bones before finding the valley between her breasts. I teasingly trailed my tongue through the valley and then brought my mouth back to hers. She moaned against my lips, as I moved my tongue against hers.

I gently bit her lip as I broke away from her again.

"What do you want, baby?" I asked her, one of my hands settling against a breast. I carefully pinched her nipple between my thumb and forefinger, causing her to arch her back and press her body up against mine.

"Do you want me to make you cum with my mouth?" I asked while replacing my fingers with my lips and tongue and sucking on her breast.

I stopped to slowly guide my hand between her legs. "Or how about with my hands?" I asked as I slowly pushed her panties to the side and moved one finger inside of her.

"Fuck," she responded while thrusting her hips upward.

"Or I could do this, baby." I slowly removed my finger and cautiously slid her panties down her legs, causing her to breathe slightly faster. I ultimately replaced my finger with just the tip of my cock. I teased her entrance, moving the tip in and out — which was excruciating for both of us.

"I want this," she said after a moment spent composing herself. "Make love to me, Christian, and make me cum with that huge cock of yours."

"Mmm, if that's what you want." I repositioned myself over her, making sure I had enough leverage to make her feel as good as I possibly could. I continued to tease her with my head before unexpectedly and slowly guiding myself all the way inside of her.

She responded by gasping, tightening her embrace, and pulling me closer to her.

I continued to thrust in and out of her slowly. I moved a hand to her clit, so I could match my thrusts with rubbing her clit in circles. I knew she'd need the friction to cum for me.

She wrapped her legs tightly around me, as I led us both to climax.

Right before I came, and as she was deep into an intense orgasm, I pulled out and released my load on her taut stomach.

"Goddamn, Christian, I almost want to clap for you." She was breathless and sexy and everything I had ever wanted, and my cum glistening on her stomach made me want to start all over again.

"Do you want more? I want more . . ." I knew how sick she was, so I didn't want to push it too hard.

She licked her lips, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me hard. "Honestly, Christian, I feel quite a bit better."

"Oh yeah?" I managed through a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm not ready for the bondage you keep proposing, but I wouldn't mind another round of that."

I smirked before prepping myself for round two. "I'm never going to get enough of you, am I?" I posed the question, and she answered it with another kiss.

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