Chapter Thirty-Two: Minus Roberto Clemente

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Author's note: I'm open to writing some MLB imagines. Just PM me the information/scenario.


When I woke up, groggy, sore, feverish, and sweaty, Christian was propped up on his elbow looking at me. He smiled sweetly at me. "Hi, beautiful."

"Hey, creep," I smiled back at him.

"Ouch, babe! Hey, we're going to the doctor now."

"What! Why? I'm totally fine," I blatantly lied, and then attempted to jump out of bed and land spryly on my feet to prove how fine I was. It didn't work. I was light-headed and teetered a bit, but I was able to stay upright on for the most part.

Christian noticed my stumble and shook his head — a half amused and half concerned expression in his eyes. "You've had a fever for a while. Please?"

"Fine, but I'm going just like this." I pointed to my face that had no makeup and my frazzled bedhead.

"All good with me, but maybe try some pants?" He joked, pointing at my bare legs and exposed underwear. "I mean, it's a great — no, an amazing — look on you, but it'd make me a little jealous that other men, and women, get to experience all that sexiness."

"I guess I could put some pants on." I grabbed a pair of pajama pants and slid them over my legs and then topped the outfit off with some shark slippers. "There we go."

He stood up, pulled me into his arms, and held me there for a moment. "I love it. Let's go," he whispered into my ear and then kissed the top of my head.

"I'm dizzy. I honestly just want to stay in bed," I told him, my lips forming a frown.

"Want me to carry you?" he asked, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I can't be that needy." He had a knack for turning my frowns into cheesy grins.

"Piggy back?" He turned around and offered me his back.

"Too high to jump in my current state."

He squatted lower to the ground. "Better?"

"What if I injure you, and you can never play baseball again?"

"Get on my back, babe."

"Sheesh, no need to be so demanding." I hopped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He locked my legs in place with a firm grip before standing up straight. "This is so weird. Is it always this weird being so tall?"

Christian laughed as we made our way to the medical staff.


"All right, Annie, I think we need to hook you up to an IV and get you hydrated. I also suggest that you stay under medical observation for the rest of tonight. Your fever is really alarming, and I should run some other tests."

"Can I stay with her?" Christian asked the doctor. He squeezed my hand, and I was thankful he was here and made me come. I felt  awful, and the medical help was probably needed.

"You can stay until you have to film, but I'm afraid I can't get you out of that for legal reasons." The doctor genuinely seemed to feel bad about the whole situation.

Christian nodded at the doctor and then locked eyes with me. "I'll stay here with you until Ellen physically pulls me away, okay?"

"Don't be silly, Christian. I'll be fine sitting here in this boring room in this creepy convent for a few hours. Maybe I'll find some ghosts of my own." I leaned into kiss him to assure him all was well.

"Okay. I'm going to go grab your phone, current novel, and some of your favorite snacks, all right?" He kissed me this time.

"Thank you. You're the best. Easily my favorite baseball player of all time. Minus Roberto Clemente. That guy did a lot of good in this world." God, he was so insanely nice, and he made me such a rambling mess. I wasn't looking forward to losing him after filming, but it was bound to happen.


It was midnight when my phone dinged. It was a text from Asher.

Asher: Hey, how are you feeling?

I knew I shouldn't respond, but I was bored and restless.

"I'm fine, thanks. How do you have your phone before 4:00 am?"

Asher: Connections, princess.

God, I hated him.

Asher: I thought you might want to see this.

Asher sent me an image. At first, I couldn't make out the photo, but after a second look, I realized it depicted Christian with his back against a brick wall. Kaylie was pressed up against him, as Christian leaned down to kiss her. I couldn't actually confirm that it was Kaylie, because her back was to the camera, but it looked like her, and she was Asher's partner. I also couldn't see their lips locked, but it was definitely implied.

What little color was left in my face vanished, and I buried my head in my hands.

Should I really be surprised?

I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

Why did I care this much? I should be used to this by now . . .

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