Chapter One Hundred Twenty: First Impressions

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I wasn't going to write anything today, but here I am.


"Are you excited we're going home?" I asked Annie as we settled into our seats on the plane. It was a bit more difficult to get situated than it used to be now that there was a baby involved in our travel plans.

"A little nervous, actually," she responded. She rested her head on my shoulder and took a deep breath. "The holidays and the wedding reception and all that."

"It'll be fun," I assured her. "What will be less fun is another fourteen hour flight with an infant," I said with a smile while looking down at Lo who was sound asleep in my arms. My favorite carry-on item, by far.

"At least Andrew was nice enough to travel ahead of us and handle one of our suitcases."

"Yeah, he was a lifesaver, as usual. You were such a smartypants to hire a nanny."

"I know," she confirmed with a smirk. "Hey, Christian?" she questioned as if she had to ask my permission to ask me something.

"Yeah, babe?"

"What was your first impression of me when we met in England?"

I laughed. "I imagine you want more than, 'wow, she's super hot,' huh?"

"Yes, please," she giggled.

What was I doing here? My off-season was the only chance I had to spend time with family and friends, but here I was on some lame reality television show. Networking. Making small talk. Selling my mediocre personality to an audience that largely didn't care about Major League Baseball . . . to try to get them to care about Major League Baseball. Fortunately, I'd at least be able to stay in shape thanks to Nick following along on my journey. That was something.

I was disrupted from my thoughts by the producer, Ellen, saying my name. "Take a seat next to Christian," she murmured to the final participant, who had made it to the meeting with no time to spare.

I looked up and watched an insanely beautiful woman slide into the empty seat to the left of me. She looked frazzled and annoyed . . . and familiar. I had definitely seen her before. I waited for her to look over at me, so I could give her a smile, but her eyes were focused on someone else – some hotshot actor. I noticed they were green . . . and sad. I wanted her to notice me. She didn't.

I couldn't help but steal glances at her while Ellen explained the rules. I tried to not make it too obvious. She had focused her attention away from the actor to Ellen – quiet and attentive.

I looked at her when I introduced myself – because she was the only person in the room I wanted to get to know, for whatever reason – and she bit her lip like she was nervous. Was that good? I didn't know. But I knew I wanted her.

I had never felt this sort of instantaneous attraction before. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to fuck women on first sight. But this was different. Yeah, I wanted to fuck her, for sure, but I also wanted to share something with her. But I was unsure of what that something was.

"I wanted to be with you. I wanted to share something with you. I didn't really understand what I was feeling then, but it was something close to love at first sight. I don't know. You just . . . won me. You didn't even have to say anything. When you walked into that room, I knew I had to try to get you to fall in love with me. . . . and I couldn't fail. I, uh, I . . . needed you to be with me."

Her lips found mine as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

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