Chapter 1- Flashback

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Hi! For those of you who don't know... This is the sequel to All In My Head! Please go read that if you haven't!

The first chapter will be in a different writing style then I usually do but it will still have POV's and script :)

It will also be a long chapter! So make some time to read this!

I won't ramble on for long so I hope you enjoy the very first chapter of "In Your Arms"



♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Violetta's POV:

(Author's NOTE: this whole chapter is a flashback so if you read the sneak peek then you would know that Violetta is having a flashback in her room at the end of august)

I stared at all the pictures and remembered all the memories... I started to create some flashbacks...



•ѕaтυrday мornιng, тнe day aғтer тнe ғιnal ѕнowcaѕe, 7 dayѕ вeғore leon goeѕ тo мeхιco•

"Where are you taking me?!" I ask as I have my hands wrapped around his arm.

"It's a surprise..." Leon says grinning.

"Ugh. I'm bad with surprises" I say.

"No you're not... You will do just fine"

I sigh and continue to follow him as he walks down a path to a beautiful lake.

"Okay it's a pretty lake so what?" I say confused.

"Did you bring the extra clothes I told you to bring?!" He asks.

"Uhm yeah?" I say. My eyes widen as I realize what he is about to do.

"Good" he says pushing me in the lake.

As i reach the surface I scream at him. "Leon!"

He just laughs and takes his shirt off.

"I hate you" I say as he jumps in.

"No you don't" he says pulling me close.

He leans in and I splash him in the face laughing. He laughs and splashes me back.


•ѕυnday noon, 2 dayѕ aғтer тнe ғιnal ѕнowcaѕe, 6 dayѕ вeғore leon goeѕ тo мeхιco•

"I really love this place" i say looking at all the decorations.

"Ya " Leon says grinning. "It's my favorite ice-cream shop"

The waitress comes in with our big ice-cream bowl that has two flavors one on each side, and two spoons.

"Enjoy" she says smiling.

I scoop up some vanilla and put it in my mouth.

"Mmm... This is so good" I say with a mouth full of ice-cream.

"Can i try some?" He says turning the vanilla side to face himself.

He scoops it up and smiles.

"That's great" he says with a mouth full of ice-cream.

"I know right?" I say scooping some of his chocolate ice-cream.

"So what's your favorite flavor?" I ask him.

"Maybe... Chocolate?" He says turning the bowl so that the chocolate side is facing him.

"Oh. I can see" I say laughing as I shove more ice-cream in my mouth.

&quot;In Your Arms&quot;: A Leonetta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now