Chapter 18- U-mix Tour!

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Violetta's POV:

Dear Diary,

Today I will be flying to Barcelona for the u-mix tour! I can't wait!

I have already asked my dad permission and he says I can go! That was the first time he let me go on the first try!

As for Angie, she's still got the stomach flu but I hope she feels better when I come back...

It's been quite a while since I have wrote on this thing, so I should probably explain what has happened...

The last time I wrote in this, I had wrote that I told Leon to move on and how me and Tomas were friends and how Ludmilla was still flirting with Tomas! So much has changed!

First of all, Leon is with Lara now... I want so badly to tell him to stay away from her but he is probably too in love to listen.

Also, Lara joined the studio for some apparent reason so she is coming on tour with us. There is also this new teacher named Milton. He seems pretty strict...

Secondly, you know how I said I didn't have feelings for Tomas? So... I lied. There are still feelings for him left... All the feelings developed into one, big crush! I hope he feels the same way... Now that Leon and I aren't together anymore, I hope Tomas gives me another chance...

However, Ludmilla has still been flirting with Tomas lately... It's really sad to see, especially because I can't believe Ludmilla doesn't realize how much Fede really loves her! He's better off without her anyways.

"Violetta!" My dad calls from downstairs.

"I'm coming papa!" I shut my diary and take my suitcase, dragging it outside my room.

"You ready, vilu?" My dad asks.


"Okay, let's go to the airport"



At the airport, francesca sees Violetta.

F: Hey! Weren't you supposed to come to the studio so we could drive to the airport on the studio bus?

V: my dad wanted to drive me himself since he wants to say goodbye.

F: aw oh i see

(German hugs his daughter from behind)

G: Vilu I am gonna miss you so much

V: me too dad. I will video chat with you every day I can! I promise

G: good good.

*flight attendants call the studio 21 kids to the gate*

G: well looks like that's your gate... Have fun Sweetie and most importantly, be safe!

V: I will papa.

(German kisses her forehead then she leaves with Francesca. Violetta waves goodbye and blows a kiss as she enters the gate)


Next Chapters are gonna be in BARCELONA😝

If there is anything specific that you would like to see happen in Barcelona... Please tell me!

(Ideas😉; <--- optional*

1. Leonetta moment

2. a break up scene💔

3. someone gets lost👣

4. Tomletta moment)

You can choose anything! Just let me know💭

Posting tommorow❤️ thanks for voting and commenting<3



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