Chapter 16- Moving on...

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Violetta's POV:

Tomas gazes into my eyes. I awkwardly try to back away as I realize how close we are but it's too late... The door opens and someone frees us from the closet.

"What... Are you two doing in here?" Asks Leon with a hurt expression.


"Tomas! I can't believe this!" Says Ludmilla beside Leon, also glaring at me.

Leon and Ludmilla look at each other, then at Tomas and I who have now separated from the awkwardly close situation.

"Whatever... W-we have to go to class or Gregorio will get mad at us... Let's just go" says Leon turning away.

"Um, Leon?" I say trying to catch up to him.

"You don't need to say anything Violetta" he says looking at me with disappointment.

Ludmilla flips her hair at me and struts away in anger.


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Tomas' POV:

Ludmilla is crazy! She gets jealous at me for being in the closet with Violetta, when she has her own boyfriend!

I feel bad for Violetta because Leon will be upset at her which means she will be upset...

On the bright side, we finally got out of the closet! Just in time, for Gregorio's class... No one wants to be late for his classes...


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Violetta's POV:

I'm glad I wasn't late for Gregorio's dance class. Tomas probably thinks so too. We were happy that Leon and Ludmilla found us... although it did seem very awkward and intense...

It's been twenty minutes of class already and I think Leon is ignoring me. He won't even dance next to me! He switched sides with Andres... So now I keep looking over Andres to see if Leon's upset.

"Okay quick break everyone!" Calls Gregorio.

Everyone sighs in relief.

"Don't move!!! At all!! I'm watching you!" He says glaring at us while walking out the door.

I felt the need to talk to Leon... But he was talking to Andres.

I decided to stop being so scared to talk to him and go over there.

"Um... Andres? Can I talk to Leon alone?"

"Sure!" He says grinning at Leon.

Leon sighs and goes over to his bag to get his water bottle.

"So erm.. Leon?"

"What?" He asks taking a sip of water. He still looks a little upset.

"I just wanted to say that... Well, nothing really happened in the closet... We were locked"


"Yeah, and you're okay right?" I asked with a smile.

"Um...." He says sighing.

"You're not?"

"Well no... I'm still... Not completely..."

"Over me?"

He nods slightly.

"Listen Leon, I'm just saying you don't have to be upset! You can't be jealous of nothing... and... I just think you should move on!" I shout.

I didn't mean to be rude... But I realize it did sound sort of mean...

He looks at me for one last second then back down at his feet.

"Wow... Thanks for telling me that." He says moving out of the way.

"W-wait, Leon!" I say trying to go over to him.

Francesca holds me back. "Vilu.. I think you've done enough..."

"W-what does that supposed to mean Fran?!" I ask angrily.

"He was and is still in love with you! Just let him down easier!" She whispers

I sighed and looked down. "Okay...."


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Leon's POV:

I guess that's it? Violetta doesn't love me anymore... And I can't help but feel jealous of the time she was in the closet with Tomas.

Of course, I trust Violetta. She told me nothing happened between them... But it's Tomas... He obviously loves Violetta. They are always together. Soon enough, she will probably feel the same way and be with him and I will be alone.

After school, I ride my Motorcross bike to the park.

I walk up to the bench and sit down.

I feel something on my back pocket and take it out... The "V" necklace.

Someday, I'm gonna have to give it back to her... It belongs to her. I was hoping that the day I would give it back to her, that we would still be together but there's no chance now...

I stare at the view. It's familiar. I think this might be the place me and Violetta had our first kiss...

I hear a voice behind me and instantly turn around.

"Hey Leon"


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Violetta's POV:

I'm walking through the park when I realize something;

I told Leon to move on... And he told me the week before, that he was starting to like Lara...

I hope he doesn't get back together with Lara! She's awful! Sure, she's in love with him, but he doesn't deserve to be with someone who is capable of doing such terrible things...

She would probably turn Leon into something he's not.

Oh, no... She would persuade him into leaving the studio and becoming a Motorcross rider!

I've got to keep him away from Lara...

I see Leon sitting on a bench, but he's too far away...

I am trying to run as fast as I can over to him..

...and guess who beats me to him...


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