Chapter 47- Opportunity

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Violetta's POV:

"Vilu! I am so not okay with this!" My dad yells.

We are back at the house. It's just a normal family welcome... Except I had to tell them about the manager...

"Wait calm down German!" Angie pleads.

"But my daughter is too young to go flying all over the world for tours and whatnot!"

"Papa! Please! I'm almost 19!"

"Vilu this is a big mistake! You can't have a manager this early!"

"Angie!" I say with tears in my eyes. "Will you please talk to my dad?"

"Okay Vilu"

She faces my dad. "German"

"But Angie!"

"She's all grown up! She needs to pursue her future!"

"I refuse to let her pursue her future at this age"

"How can you say that?! I really need this!"

"German listen, this is a rare opportunity for Violetta! Who knows if she could get another one?"

I nod and smile at Angie.

"Don't you think it's good for Violetta's future if she starts early I mean, she already knows who she is so isn't that enough to already be starting on her career?"

"I guess..." My dad says. He sighs and looks at me sadly. "I would miss her though...Maybe I'm just so sad that you're no longer my little girl"

"German, no matter what, even if you and Violetta are at the opposite ends of the earth and she becomes an international pop star... She will always be your little girl." Angie smiles.

Me and my dad smile at each other and go in for a hug.

After a few seconds I wipe my tears of joy and smile at Angie.

"Come here Mom"

"Thank you" My dad mouths to Angie as he kisses her forehead.

"We're always going to be a family... The four of us" I say smiling.

Angie smiles and rubs her tummy.

"Let's go call that manager" My dad says excitedly.



Violetta calls Alex later that evening.

~phone call conversation~

V: hey alex! It's Violetta.

A: oh! Hey Vilu! ... Can I call you that?

V: *laughs* yeah that's what my friends' call me

A: Ok great! Anyways have you thought about it?

V: Yes and I'd love for you to be my manager!

A: That's amazing kid! Trust me! I will make you a star!

V: Thanks Alex! Do you know when you could get started managing?

A: Probably right away!

V: Seriously?

A: Well sooner than later I hope! I already think I could get you an amazing record deal!

V: No way! That's amazing!

A: Yes! I'd say in about 2 months I could get you it! Sound good?

V: Sounds amazing!

A: Great! One detail to mention though! It's in Paris!

V: Wait?! In Paris?!

A: Of course! It's a very excellent decision!

V: So Would I have to... Move there?

A: Only if it really works out... If it doesn't we could always stop and try a closer destination

V: Like how about staying here in Buenos Aires?

A: I dont't know... But I'm telling you! You can't miss out on an opportunity like flying to Paris!

V: I know.. It seems wonderful to go to Paris but... I don't want to leave everyone I love.

A: You gotta make some sacrifices kid, that's how fame works...

V: Ok ok... I will think about it.

A: Call me when you make your decision!

V: Ok bye Alex

A: See ya Vilu

~call end~


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Violetta's POV:

I sigh and flop on my bed.


I sit up fast as I freak over seeing Angie.

"Oh angie you scared me"


"It's ok... Um... Did you hear that?"


"He says I have a chance of making it in Paris?"

"That's great Vilu"

"But Angie, I'd have to leave Buenos Aires"

"I know Vilu... It's hard but... It's life... It's your future so... If you really love this, then you go for it..."

"I guess"

"If you're not ready... Then it's okay... I'm just afraid that you will have to wait for another opportunity as this one is already put out in front of you"

I sigh. "Well I'm not really ready so... I'm just gonna have to wait for another opportunity"

"Ok Vilu... It's your choice"

"Thanks Angie. Do you think I am doing the right thing?"

"If you're not ready to go to Paris and you're happy just staying here in Buenos Aires... I'm certain you did the right thing because it makes you happy."

"I'm happy just with all of you"

"Me too" She hugs me tightly then helps me to bed.

"Goodnight now Vilu, it's lights out... Tommorow you have got that prom of yours"

"I know... Can't wait... Goodnight"


I will do my book recommendations tommorow:( sorry

Also another thing, I won't be able to update a lot over the weekdays generally because of school so maybe just a few times,

And lastly I'm gonna be at camp from wed-fri. So i won't be updating till the weekend! Hope you understand.xx

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