Chapter 7- Spying

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Violetta's POV:

I shouldn't be mad at Leon... But I am. He thinks that I only care about our relationship... That is not true at all. I have been nothing but helpful to his father situation. I really want him to come back to the studio. Not for me, but for him to be happy and pursue his dreams.

I feel like I need to talk to his father... Maybe I should go today...

"excuse me..." Tomas says behind me.

I move out of the way and he passes me.

He looks angry at me... I don't want to have to deal with him... But i need to say something...


He turns around and sighs.

"I am sorry" I say in a serious tone. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings... I should have told you about Leon earlier"

"It's okay" he says walking away.

I couldn't tell if he was actually forgiving me...


After school, I walked to the park.

I sat down on a bench and sighed.

I miss Leon already. I can't be mad at him. He has every right to be mad at me... I've made a mistake...

I doubt there's a chance we will get back together...

"Hey Vilu" says Fran behind me.

"Hey Fran..." I say nervously.

"Are you okay?"

"No... Leon thinks I'm mad at him"

"Oh... Did you two..."

"We broke up."

"Oh Vilu" she hugs me and I try to hold in my tears.

"What happened?!"

"He found out about me hanging out with Tomas... he got mad and then he said that I didn't care about him... Which made me angry because I was trying to help him-"

I sigh and take a big breathe. Fran looks at my neck.

"Aw Vilu... You are still wearing it?"

"...Yeah... Never took it off"

"Obviously, you just need to show him you care!"

"Yeah... I am thinking of trying to talk to his dad for him!"

"I don't know about that Vilu...."

"I have to Fran! If he listens to me... Then Leon will come back to the studio... He won't become a motorcross rider... He will be a singer."

"And you two will be together..." Fran says smirking at me.

"Well... I don't know... I made it clear to him that we were never getting back together..."


"To show him that I don't care only about our relationship Fran!"

"You would do that just to make him happy?"

"Erm... Yeah"


I sigh and look at my "V" necklace.

"I can't keep this..."

"What?! But leon gave it to you."

"He probably doesn't want me to wear it!"

"Vilu trust me! He does!"

"No fran I can't!"

I take the necklace off and hold it in my hands.

I put it down next to me on the bench and grab Fran's hand.

"Let's go!"

"No Vilu! You are not leaving the necklace here!"

"Yes I am! Hurry up Francesca!"


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Leon's POV:

I spyed on Vilu and Fran behind a tree. It felt weird but I couldn't stop listening after Vilu mentioned my dad. I walk towards the bench and pick up the necklace...

I need to talk to Vilu before she speaks to my dad. I know she is just going to get more hurt by my dad if she tries to persuade him to keep me at the studio because he's obviously going to let her down and disagree with her. Possibly, insult her!


(Sorry this chapters kinda boring:/)

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