Chapter 42- Break up...

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Violetta's POV:


"I thought you were 'talking to the girls' but I guess this is what I get for trusting you"

"Tomas, I'm sorry..."

"Violetta, how could you? I thought we had something!"

"It was a mistake Tomas! The kiss didn't mean anything to me!"

"But why did you do it?"

"I... Don't know... I'm really sorry Tomas please forgive me!"

Francesca walks up to Tomas and looks at me with disgust.

"Violetta, you're messed up... Don't talk to me..."

She walks away and my jaw drops. "Fran?!"

"Don't talk to me either, we're over"

"Tomas c'mon!"

"No goodbye Violetta"


I sigh and sit back down.

"Just when all the drama was out of my life... I had to bring it back in..."

Diego glances at me and then sits beside me.

"I'm really sorry Violetta"

"No, I'm the one who kissed you, don't apoligize"

"Don't worry Violetta, Tomas will forgive you"

I laugh as tears stream down my face. "No he won't. No one will love me now... I left Leon and now I betrayed Tomas that's just the drama in my life."

"Violetta don't be down on yourself"

"Okay thanks Diego"

"No problem"

"So do you have any clue why Fran is mad at me?"

"No... Why don't you go find out?"

"Okay i guess..."


I go after Francesca who walks into the bathroom.

"Fran! Don't be mad at me please!"

"Violetta I thought you were gonna call Leon! Why did you have to go and kiss Diego!? What's your problem!? You're so confusing!! I'm not even going to help you anymore!"

"Fran please! Calm down! What is this all about!?"

She rolls down a paper towel and wipes her tears with it.

"Fine... I'll just admit it..."

"What is it?"

"I like Diego, okay?!"

My eyes widen and I stare at Francesca blankly.

"Wait?! What?!"

"Whatever, you don't care you probably like him now too"

"No I don't Fran! I didn't know you liked Diego! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay"

"Francesca, if you like Diego, just... Ask him out?"

"I can't do that... What if he likes you? Plus he's your ex"

"He doesn't like me... And I don't mind if you date him..."

"Okay but what about Tomas?"

"I have to work things out with him myself and as for you... You go get Diego"

Francesca laughs.

"That sounds weird to say coming from you"

"He will love you just the way you are now wipe those tears off"

She smiles and heads out of the bathroom.


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Diego's POV:

Francesca comes out of the bathroom and i go up to her.


"Oh um hey Diego, I was about to look for you"



"Francesca are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just..."

"What is it?"


Fran looks up at me and then shakes her head.

"It's nothing, Diego really..."

She turns around and tries to walk away. Something's wrong and I got to know.

"Francesca" I say grabbing her hand.

I pull her in towards me and she stares at me with her big, brown eyes.

We are only centimeters away from each other's faces.

"Diego what are you doing?"

I notice the tears left in her eyes and her stuffy red nose which indicates she has been crying. Was she crying because... She likes me?

"Francesca, do you have feelings for me?"


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