Chapter 11- Surprise

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Leon's POV:

Someone knocks on my door and comes into my room.

"Lara? What are you doing here?"

My dad follows behind her.

"We are heading to the motorcross for a surprise! C'mon Leon" he says.

"Erm.. Okay" i say nervously getting off my bed.


We get inside the car and drive to the motorcross. During the silent ride, I wonder what surprise is in store.

We get out the car and Lara gets out a blindfold.

"What are you doing?"

"It's a surprise! Just put it on" she says smiling.

"She will lead you to the surprise" says my dad grinning.

"Um..." I say awkwardly.

"Trust me Leon, you will love the surprise" she says beaming.

"Okay, okay" I say allowing her to blindfold me.

She takes my arm and holds it, guiding me somewhere near the motorcross. My feet hit concrete and we enter inside a room slightly echoing... Like a garage.

"Okay take off your blindfold" she says excitedly.

I take the blindfold off my face and see a shining, new motorcross bike!

"Woah! Is this...?"

"Yes it's for you" she says happily.

"But why?" I ask eyeing the cool vehicle.

"Surprise!" Says My dad and a bunch of other workers behind me.

They cheer and clap as my dad goes over to me and pats me on the back.

"I got you the new bike you have been wanting!" He says smiling.

"That's... great! Thanks so much Dad! How did you know I wanted this??" I ask.

"Thanks to Lara" he says grinning.

Lara looks at me and smirks. "Your welcome"

"Wow! Thanks Lara" I say. I can't believe she did this for me. I am so overwhelmed! I hug her tightly.

"Why don't you two go for a test drive?" My dad says smirking.

"Yeah! That would be fun! Would you like to come Lara?" I ask with excitement.

She smiles and looks into my eyes. "I'd love to come!"


We drive off into the park. The bike is much more fast and it looks awesome! It has flames on the side and a shining, new engine.

We get off and sit near a bench.

"This is the coolest surprise ever... Thanks so much for telling my dad Lara..."

"Your welcome... I know how much you have always wanted it"

"Yeah... I was too afraid to ask my dad"

"You should never be afraid Leon" she says smirking at me.

"Yeah... I guess you're right..." I say nervously.

"So... Have you gotten a chance to talk to your dad about going back to the studio?"

"No, but I will keep on trying! I know I want to be a singer... I can't race at the Motor cross forever where I know I won't be happy..."

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