Chapter 23- Switch

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Leon's POV:

Violetta and I were taking a stroll through the park. It was a breezy day but the sky was a clear blue. Walking around with her in this beautiful park was amazing.

I glance at Violetta who is looking around at the trees.

Violetta looks so nice in her outfit today... And the way she curled her hair is just... Wow....

"Argh...Leon stop thinking about that" I say to myself in my head.

I have a girlfriend who is amazing as well... Even more amazing than Violetta! .....I think.



Federico and Ludmilla run off in front of an architectural building. There are some stairs underneath them so they sit to take a rest.

Ludmilla: You think that they aren't following us?

Federico: They are probably still arguing by now

(They laugh)

Ludmilla: Wow... I can't believe they are that angry...

Federico: Yeah I couldn't imagine if we were those types of exes...

(Ludmilla remains silent and sighs)

Ludmilla: Fede...

Federico: Yeah?

Ludmilla: I know you're mad at me... But.. I just wanted to say sorry... I was blind... I didn't realize how much you loved me and I totally messed up...

Federico: It's ok...

Ludmilla: No it's not... I would have never done any of those things if I knew that it would hurt you this much... You made me feel like the supernova (that I am) and you always made me so happy. i feel sick of myself for letting that all go...

Federico: Don't feel sick of yourself, Ludmilla.

Ludmilla: Why shouldn't I?

Federico: Because I forgive you.

Ludmilla: I wish we could still be together... I love you so much... I would never want to hurt you again...

Federico: I miss you.

Ludmilla: I miss you too.

Federico: Seeing you with Leon kills me... Do you want to get back together with me??

Ludmilla: Really?! Of course!!

(They kiss)

Federico: Ludmilla I love you my supernova!

Ludmilla: I love you too! Let's not let anyone come between us!


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Violetta's POV:

I struggle to make conversation with Leon. It's just nice being here... Walking with him...

I stare at the trees unsure of what to say...

"So how are you and Lara?"

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why did I even say that?!

"Uh great..."



Well that was the quickest conversation I've ever had...

I nervously look at the ground as we walk and quickly look past me at Leon who just stares at me in this sort of way...

"Um... Why are you staring at me like that?"

"No reason..."

"Oh, really?"


"Well you always used to stare at me like that when we dated, so can I just ask why?"

He sighs and bites his lip.

"Because... I was taking in all of your... Beauty."



"I heard that" I say blushing.

"I uh... Do that with Lara too..."

"Sure you do"

"Yeah totally!"

I laugh and look at him looking at the trees.

"Well... That's sweet of you"

I smile and look away.

I can't tell because I'm staring at all the scenery but I feel as though Leon is coming closer to me.

I look up and see him smiling at me, only centimeters from my face.


"Oh um... hey Lara" he says moving away from me.

"What are you two doing?!" She asks approaching us.


"It didn't look like it" Lara folds her arms.


"Don't "Lara" me Leon" she says glaring at him. "Explain why you aren't with Ludmilla? You're supposed to be with her! And why is Violetta not with Federico?!"

"We just switched buddies because Federico and Ludmilla wanted to be together!"

"But they broke up!"

"Okay... We sorta made a plan to get them back together!"

"And that plan HAD to involve ending up switching partners so that you two could be together at the end??"

"Sorry" Leon says giving her a sad face.

"Fine... I forgive you"

They hug and I stand there awkwardly with Naty, who was with Lara since they got partnered up.

"Oh! Violetta!" Lara says pulling away from Leon and going up to me. "I have a really great idea!" She secretly smirks at me and I know it's gonna be one of her evil plots to get me killed.

"So since you guys already switched how about we do another switch so that you and Naty can be partners and me and Leon can be partners!"


"Great! C'mon Leon!" She says raising her eyebrow at me.

Oh wow. It's even weirder than a plot to kill me. She's trying to make me jealous.

"Lara... I don't know about this" says Leon. "We could get in trouble if they notice us switching too much.."

"Don't worry! We will be fine! Let's go hang out together! Unless you would rather hang out with your ex-girlfriend than your actual girlfriend?" She says staring him down.

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

Lara glances at me as well. I know how she is trying to make me jealous. She is making Leon choose between me and her. Even though, she already knows he is going to choose her.

"Okay let's go I guess" He says looking down.

"Yay! We are gonna have so much fun together!"

"I know, love" he says smiling at her. He looks at me and waves.

"Uh see you later Vilu"

"Bye Leon"


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