Chapter 40- What are you afraid of?

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Violetta's POV:

•нoυrѕ laтer ιn vιoleттa'ѕ rooм•


I turn around and smile.

"Fran! Oh thank goodness you're here! I really need your help!"

"Um okay? What is so important that you invited me all the way over here to your room just to show me?"

"It's about Lara..."

"What is it this time?"

I turn my phone on and show Francesca the video. I wait for her reaction.

"No way... Lara... Is such a witch!"

"Yeah... She's awful..."

"Wait a minute... Why are you even showing me this!? You need to show Leon like now!"

"Now? I mean... It's too soon..."

"Every minute you are wasting not showing the video to Leon is a minute that he and Lara are together!"

"Yeah but-"

"Violetta c'mon! Don't be chicken! Just show it to him! You need to reveal the cold hard truth!"

"What if he somehow doesn't believe me..."

"Are you kidding?? This is enough proof Vilu..."

"Okay... I guess I am just wasting time... I will show him tommorow"

"Good... Trust me because if you don't show him, you will regret it!"

"I will show him..."


•one day laтer aт тнe мoтorcroѕѕ•

My palms were sweating and I was freezing outside. The wind blew my hair and made it all tousled.

"Maybe today isn't the day" I said to myself.

I had the video right in my hands. The thing that could easily make Leon break up with Lara... But I couldn't find the courage to do it...

"What Am I afraid of? Of course, Leon needs to know the truth... If I care about him, I should do this for him..."

I lean against a tree waiting for him to come out in sight. He comes out wearing his motorcross outfit. People cheer all around him and give him a shining trophy.

He just won a race. He looks so happy...

Lara comes up to him and they hug. Now is my chance... I know I can't let him be with her but... Why am I so scared to go up there?

Lara plants a big kiss on Leon's lips and the crowd goes wild!

Maybe I'm too scared because... If I tell him... I will be the one who ends up in Lara's place... If he breaks up with her, he will like me again... And All the drama in my life will come rushing back...

"No violetta" I say to myself. "I can't be selfish. I need to expose Lara"

I walk up to everyone and look at Leon who pulls away from Lara and smiles.

"I'm sorry Leon" I mumble and run away before anyone sees me.


Sorry the next chapter will hopefully be more interesting and better:(

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