Chapter 15- Locked!

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Violetta's POV:

It's friday. Five days later and Angie is still not recovering from her stomach flu...

"Want more soup Angie?" I ask.

She sits up from the couch and manages a smile.

"Sure, thanks Vilu"

"No problem Angie"


I meet up with Camilla and Fran near our lockers.

"So How's your love life Vilu?"

"Mine? It's... Complicated..."

"Aw... Leon and Tomas problems?"

I nod.

"How about you Cami?"

"Me and Broduey are doing fine" she says.

"That's good for you two..." Says Fran a little upset.

"what's wrong?" I ask.

"You will never believe it..." Says Fran.

"What happened with you and Marco, Fran?"

"He called me... Ana"

Cami and I let out a gasp.

"Oh no he didn't!" Says Cami.

"He's cheating on you?" I asked in disappointment.

"I don't know... He said it was just an accident..."

"So are you two over?" Asks Camilla.

"I think we are broken up, but I guess it's for the best?" Says Fran.

Fran looks down upset and I hug her until someone bumps into me.


"Oh Diego!" I say a little awkwardly.

"Sorry Vilu" he says smiling. "Didn't see you there!"

"It's fine"

"We are cool right?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You're still not mad at me right?"

"Nahh... We are... Cool, i guess"

He laughs and glances at Fran and Cami.

"Okay good, anyways I guess I will see you around"

He walks away and I wave bye.

"Oh viluuu" says Fran nudging me.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't think Diego is actually wanting to be just friends with you..."

"Why not? He's changed now..."

"That's what they all say..." Says Fran rolling her eyes.

"Oh c'mon Fran... He's not that bad anymore"

"I wouldn't trust him if I were you..." She says crossing her arms.

"Okay...." I say awkwardly.


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Tomas' POV:

Oh no. Ludmilla is on to me again...

She keeps calling me! I try to block her but she always finds a way! I wish she would just leave me alone... Plus, Federico looks angry at me too, and I don't really wanna deal with him either...

I run inside the music room and quickly hide in the closet. Hopefully she won't find me in here...

"Oh Tomas!" I hear her shout behind the door.

I hold my breathe and wait.

"Where is Tomas?!" Ludmilla exclaims.

I shut my eyes and cross my fingers.

"Maybe he's not here" she says and then I hear the door slam.

Phew. That was a close one.

I get up and press my hand on the door knob of the closet. It's... Locked.


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Violetta's POV:

I enter the music room and grab some sheets.

What is that sound I hear? It sounds like it's coming from the closet?!

I press my ear against the door and hear some utters and some kicking.

"How am I going to get out of here?" I hear someone say through the door. I think I know who's in there.

I open the door and rush inside.

"Tomas? What are you doing in here??"

"Violetta! Hurry, get the-"

I hear a slam. I turn around and the door locks in place.

"...door" Tomas says sighing.

"Oops" I say shrugging my shoulder.


After about 5 minutes we start to talk.

"So how long do you think we are gonna be stuck in here?" I ask.

"Probably an hour" he says sighing.


"Unless someone finds us before class starts" he says with hope.

"I wish..."

"We should go bang on the door so someone hears us!" Says Tomas.

"There's no point" I say.

"Oh c'mon... What if there's someone there?"

"Doubt it"

Suddenly, we hear someone's voice... Not just one, but two people.

"Violetta?" I hear someone call.

"Tomas?" Someone else says.

"Tomas, there's two people out there!" I say excitedly.

"We're in the closet!" Shouts Tomas.

We hear footsteps coming towards the door and me and Tomas get up at the same time.

Our noses almost bump and we stare at each other as we are really close.

Then... The door opens... Yikes...


Who do you think opens the door and sees Tomas and Violetta?😏(two people find them)

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"Is it really just acting?" got to 7k! thank you💕



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