Chapter 29- Lost

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Violetta's POV:

At this point, I gave up. I tried to back away from the crowd but there were too many people so I was stuck following them until the end of this massive parade.

After about 9 minutes, I finally managed to make it out.

I waited for all the music to be gone and then the streets were quiet.

I was so relieved but scared. I picked up my phone and called Tomas.

"Wait... He didn't bring his phone..." I thought.

Arghh, Now I guess I will ring up Francesca.

I called her and it went straight to voicemail.

"Francesca! Hi, I know you are shopping with Camilla right now but please come help me! I'm lost in the streets of paris I don't even know how to get back to the hotel!"

I called Camilla too and left a similar voice mail.

I sighed as I pressed my phone to my ear.

I was going to call Leon... And I will probably regret it...


I hear his sweet voice! Oh thank god! He answered!

"Leon!" I almost scream.

"Woah??! What is going on?" He asks concerned.

"Long story but I need you to come help me, I'm lost in the streets of Paris! Please Leon, you have got to come here!!"

"Okay, okay! Violetta I'll come... Just send me the street name and I'll be there."

I smiled and looked up at the street signs.

"Umm, okay I'm in a street called Rue de Lawrence"

(A/ N: I literally just made that up it's not a real street...)

"Okay I'm coming... Don't worry."

"Thanks Leon" I say and I hang up on him.


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Tomas' POV:

I lost Violetta! I need to go find her. I begin walking towards the street where the marching band was walking. It seemed like a never ending corner.

After what seemed like a whole 10 minutes I finally got to the corner and saw a lost person on the other end.

"Is that?" I think narrowing my eyes to get a better look.

I start running towards Violetta and smiling.

"Violetta!" I shout.


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