Chapter 4- Trouble

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Lara's POV:

I am fixing a bike when I see a lost girl wandering around the motorcross.

"Excuse Me? Can I help you?" I ask.

She turns around revealing her face.

"Violetta" I say gritting my teeth.

"Lara..." she says glaring at me.

Why did she have to come here all the time? Leon was finishing a race... But i decided to not tell her that.

"If you're looking for Leon... He's not here." I say smirking.

"Is that so?" she says unconvinced. She folds her arms and glares at me.

"Yes. I'm not kidding." I say as seriously as I possibly can.

"Oh well that's too bad..." she says.

Yes! She is buying it!

"... I really wanted to see my boyfriend" she says smiling.

Ugh. Now she is trying to rub it in...

"Well look for him somewhere else sweetie because he isn't here!" I say with the biggest fake smile.

She rolls her eyes and walks away.

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Violetta's POV:

I pretended to leave but I really just sneaked around on the other side to wait for Leon. I know Lara is lying to me. She can't be trusted. I gladly mentioned to her that Leon and I were dating to make her jealous so I am pretty content.

I waited for a while then decided to go see him myself.

I sneaked past all the people who surprisingly didn't see me and stood near the finish line.

I hope he is almost done. I really need to talk to him.

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Lara's POV:

I was finished fixing up the bike and decided to go check on the race. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Violetta waiting at the finish line. I can't believe she is still here! It doesn't matter though because Leon already finished the race. Violetta has no clue! She thinks he is still racing and is probably going to wait for him forever! To make this more fun for me, I should probably tell Leon to go home so that Violetta doesn't get to see him! Suddenly, An idea pops into my head. I smirk as I come up with an even better plan...

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Violetta's POV:

I am waiting for Leon to finish and I see some racers coming towards me. I move back a few steps to give them space but I feel two hands touch my back.

I turn around and see Lara smirking at me.

"Oops" she says shoving me on the dirt.

She quickly runs away as no ones sees here.

I watch as the riders come towards me.

I can't believe Lara pushed me!

I try to get up and run but they are too close to me.

I hear people yelling for me to move. I'm trying as much as I can to quickly get out of the way.

I stand up about to move out of the way but a bike comes speeding towards me.

I panick and close my eyes.

The next thing I know, I'm on the ground... But I'm not hurt. Someone pushed me out of the way and is holding me down.

I look up shocked.

"No way" I whisper staring into his eyes..

"You okay Vilu?" says Leon stroking my head.

I nod and hug him on the floor.


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Leon's POV:

I take off my motorcross uniform and get my bag. Lara tells me that I can go home now. I nod and begin to make my way out but I hear people shouting.

Someone is in trouble. I run over to the finish line and see a girl with a dress shirt and pink skirt. She has brownish and blondish curly hair.

"Is that..." My eyes widen and I find myself running very fast towards Violetta.

Right as she is about to get hit, I push her away from the bikes and she falls on top of me.


"That was crazy!" I say sighing.

"Yeah sorry that you have to keep saving me" she says brushing off dirt from her skirt.

I laugh. "That's okay"

"I-I missed you... A lot" she says blushing.

She is really cute when she is nervous.

"I missed you even more Vilu"

She smiles and then looks down.

"Leon... Erm... Why aren't you attending the studio?" she asks worried.

"ahh, sorry about that" I say nervously rubbing my neck.

She looks at me with her big brown eyes.

"Listen Violetta" I begin explaining. "When I was in Mexico... this guy came up to me... He was some big sponsor for motorcross events and competitions. He is also my dad's friend. I got into all that motorcross stuff over the summer so I was really busy. Now... My dad wants me to be a professional motorcrosser. He says i'm good... More than good..."

"But" she says sighing. "Can't you attend the studio at the same time?"

"my dad says it's a useless hobby... And that I should give up singing... He cut off my student loans."

"Leon... You love singing..." She says.

"I know... and I also love motorcross riding... I'm torn."

She sighs and hugs me.

"I can't believe you are quitting the studio! After everything"

"i'm really sorry Vilu. My father wants it-"

"You don't have to listen to your father Leon. If you really loved singing, you wouldn't be letting your father decide your future for you"

"Violetta, I do love singing"

"no you don't" she says shaking her head.

I sigh and put my hands in my pockets nervously.

"You have a gift of singing. You're really good. I can't believe you are going to throw it all away"

She turns around and adjusts her purse walking away.

"Violetta wait!"

She keeps on walking and I let out a big sigh.


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