Chapter 12- Decision

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Violetta's POV:

•day oғ тнe perғorмance•

I wonder where Leon and his dad are... The performances are going to start soon... I walk around nervously backstage until I bump into someone.

"Sorry" I say looking at Tomas.

"It's okay Vilu" he says smiling.

I look down nervously.

"What are you nervous for?" He asks.

"Nothing... Just a little stage fright..." I say.

"There's nothing to worry about... You will do great as always..." He says looking into my eyes.

"Thanks Tomas... I really needed that..." I say smiling.

We both gaze into each other's eyes. I sigh and go in for a hug. He's just my friend so I'm giving him a friendly hug... There's nothing wrong in that!

Someone coughs behind us.


I turn around quickly and sigh. It's Leon again...

"Leon... What are you doing here?" Asks Tomas. I remain silent for the deal.

"Just wanted to check how Violetta was doing... Hey Vilu" he says looking at me.

I'm about to speak. I want to. But I can't. I just wave a little and look down.

"Tomas, Can me and Violetta be alone for a while?"

"Um sure..."

Tomas leaves the room and Leon and I go over to the corner.

"Still not talking to me, huh?" He asks.

I nervously rub my arm.

"Is that the reason you don't wanna talk because you only want to talk to Tomas?"

I shake my head.

"Then What?"

I keep staring at the ground.

"Fine... I see you have moved on... Maybe I should too..."

He walks away but I grab his arm.

I give him a confused expression as if saying "Who?"

"Lara... She has been there for me these past few days... She's the only one that understood me. Do you want me to move on like you did?"

No. Leon can't be with Lara. I imagine all the trouble she has caused... And the plan that she and Diego had made up last year. Leon doesn't know about it. I need to tell him to stay away from her!

I shake my head.

"Then tell me what you want? Talk to me..."

Tomas comes up to us and taps me on the shoulder.

"We are on in 1 minute... Leon you have to get back to the audience..."

"Okay. Bye Violetta" he says leaving.


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Leon's POV:

I walk back to my dad and stand next to him.

"If you get bored of the performance quickly, we can leave" he says smirking.

"Okay dad" I say.


The curtain rises and Violetta stands in the middle.

I sigh as I have to watch her after all the drama. Do I really want to come back to the studio? Maybe It was just for Violetta... Maybe I'm a good Motorcross rider!

She lifts her head up and looks at me.

Quien le pone limite al deseo

cuando se quiere triunfar

no importa nada lo que quiero

es bailar y cantar

La diferencia esta aquí dentro en mi circuito mental

soy una estrella destinada a brillar

She sings still gazing into my eyes... And she smiles.

Yo encuentro todo en mi música

porque estoy siempre bailandoooo

yo necesito que mi musica

me diga que estoy buscando, buscando en mi

Suddenly, a bunch of students come rushing down the stage and towards me. Violetta takes my hand and pulls me on stage.

Si hay duda, No hay duda la unica verdad esta en tu corazon

I'm singing! In front of my dad! He sees me. He doesn't look unimpressed or sad... He looks... Content.

Si hay duda, No hay duda

se hace claro el camino, llegare a mi destino

Quien le pone limite al deseo

cuando se quiere triunfar

no importa nada lo que quiero

es cantar y bailar

Algo suena en mi, algo suena en vos

mueve tu cuerpo muevelo

encuentro todo en mi musica

porque estoy siempre bailando

yo necesito que mi musica

me diga que estoy buscando, buscando en mi

Algo suena en mi algo suena en vos

es tan distinto y fantastico

suena distinto baila tu corazon

mueve tu cuerpo muevelo

encuentro todo en mi musica

porque estoy siempre bailando

yo necesito que mi musica

me diga que estoy buscando, buscando en mi

encuentro todo en mi musica

porque estoy siempre bailando

yo necesito que mi musica

me diga que estoy buscando, buscando en mi


Audience claps and cheers for all of us. My dad stands smiling with his arms crossed.

After the performance, he comes up to me and Violetta.

"Leon" he says putting on a serious face.

"Yeah dad?"

"It's your decision... Whether you want to join the studio or not... I will be fine with whatever choice you make..."

"Really?" I ask.

"Really." He says nodding and smiling.

I glance at Violetta who smiles at me.

"So what is it going to be Leon, do you want to come back to the studio and sing? Or become a Motorcross rider?" My dad asks anxiously.

I look at my dad then at Violetta.

"It's your choice" Violetta says next to me.

My father nods at her and then looks me in the eye.

"I'm going to choose..."


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