Chapter 45- Falling

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Violetta's POV:

Me and Tomas silently walked over to where everyone was crowded backstage.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Fran.

"I NEED TO PERFORM!" Shouts Ludmilla with her voice cracking.

"Drama queen troubles" fran whispers back rolling her eyes.

"Ludmilla you can't go on! What did you do to your voice?" Asks Marotti.

"Nothing!" She coughs in between talking. "I'm just a little sick!"

She grabs her neck and coughs.

"You can't go on Ludmilla we are going to have to find a replacement"

"No! You can't do tha-"

Her voice begins to break more and more until she is coughing and she can't get a word out.

"Ludmilla are you okay?"

She opens her mouth with an angry expression as if to say something but no words come out.

"Sorry Ludmilla but you can't perform today, take rest"

Ludmilla crosses her arms and struts away.

"We still need a replacement, we need someone who knows the steps and words" says Marotti scanning his eyes at all of us.

"What about... Violetta?" Camilla suggests.

I glare at her.

"Violetta do you think you can do it?"

"Uh uh... Me?"

"Yes you"

"Vilu, you can do this!" Fran says beside me.

"Um ok" I say nervously.

"Great! Let's quickly get you your dress and in your harness!"

"I can't believe I'm gonna do this" I say to Fran and Cami as I follow the stylists to my dressing room.

"Good luck!"


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Ludmilla's POV:

Naty hands me some hot cocoa to sooth my throat.

"Naty I can't believe she took my solo!" I say struggling to get the words out.

"I'm sorry Ludmilla! Just don't talk though... It could damage your voice..."

I scowl at her and glare from backstage as the lights flash on and Violetta starts singing.

Quién le pone límite al deseo

cuando se quiere triunfar.

No importa nada.

Lo que quiero

es bailar y cantar.

La diferencia esta aquí dentro

en mi circuito mental.

Soy una estrella destinada a brillar.

Oh oh oh

Somos el éxito.

Somos magnéticos.

Somos lo máximo.

Cómo sea, dónde sea

voy a llegar.


Leon's POV:

"Hey Buddy!" Andres slaps my shoulder from behind.

"Hey Andres" I say smiling.

"So Violetta got the solo"

"Yeah I can see Andres" I say laughing.

"She looks so incredible!" He says glancing up as she gets off the ground and into the air.

"Yeah...she does"


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Ludmilla's POV:

Violetta: Quién le pone límite al deseo

cuando se quiere triunfar.

No importa nada.

Lo que quiero

es bailar y cantar.

La diferencia esta aquí dentro

en mi circuito mental.

Soy una estrella destinada a brillar.

I glare as Violetta dances in the air and confetti falls everwhere. She has taken my solo... So I will take away her happiness...

Oh oh oh

Somos el éxito.

Oh oh oh

Somos magnéticos.

"Ludmilla don't be mad... You'll get your solo back next time" says Naty beside me

I can't say anything so I just glare.

"Natalia go get me some more hot cocoa" I struggle to say without cracking my voice.

"O-okay" she whimpers.

I watch as Violetta flies around in her harness and sings. I notice how much the crowd is cheering and jealousy fills inside of me.

Oh oh oh

Somos lo máximo.

Cómo sea, dónde sea

"She took my solo!" I scream, damaging my voice. I grab onto my neck as it pains and struggle to stand so I lean against the table behind me.

Suddenly, the table begins to wobble. It wasn't as sturdy as it seemed, I quickly let go just in time before it knocks over. Doing so, it knocks over a tall ladder which falls onto the wheel device supporting the harness for Violetta's performance.


Leon's POV:

I hear Ludmilla scream on the other side of the stage. I don't notice her until a big ladder falls down and knocks the cable wheel supporting the harness. Which means... Violetta might fall...

voy a llegar

Oh oh oh oh,

I make a run for the stage as Violetta poses and looks like she is about to go down!

Oh oh oh oh!

Will I catch her? Can I make it in time?


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Violetta's POV:

I feel like I am falling, the world seems to slow down and all I can feel is fear as I realize I am about to hit the solid ground. Is this what seconds before death feels like? Everything seems to flash through my head before I am about to die. My family, my friends... Leon.

My body lands on something but it isn't as hard as I expected. I'm not paining as much as I thought I would. Instead, I open my eyes and see everyone clapping and cheering. I can feel warm hands grasp around my waist and legs.

I look up stunned.

"Wow" I manage to get out after a while.

"Are you okay Violetta?"

"Leon, you saved you"


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