Chapter 37- Phone Call

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Violetta's POV:

I stand behind Leon as he says he is quitting the studio. This can't be. Why would Leon even think to do that?

He pushes his way past me and I stare at the ground.

"I need to confront him later today"


"Violetta!" Cami calls behind me.

"Oh hey Camilla?" I say.

"Did you see that weird fight between Lara and Milton and Leon?"

"Yep i can't believe Leon quit the studio"

"Me neither... Well anyways" she says changing the subject. She brings out a peice of paper. "Sign this"

"What is this?" I ask.

"You don't remember... This is the petition for prom?!"

"Oh..." I say unamused.

"Please sign it! I asked Pablo and he said we could do it if we get enough signatures!"

"Fine,fine" I say signing my name.

"Thanks! I think we have all the signatures now! Do you want to come to the office with me to turn this in?"

"Yeah sure, I kinda wanna just get out of class" i say smiling.

"Yay! Let's go" she says putting her arm around me.


We walk towards the office and I freeze up when I see Milton talking on the phone with someone in the other room. Why isn't he in class?

"Camilla, you can go in the office and turn in the form... I will just wait here..."

"Okay." As soon as she enters the office, I sneak over to the other side and listen in on his conversation.

"Tomorrow I am going to quit the studio since my work here is already done... I'm gonna need my money by then, so make it happen. Goodbye"

He hangs up and I quickly run over to the side hoping he won't see me.

I hold my breathe as he walks past me back into his classroom and I exhale.

"Milton is probably not a real teacher... I wonder why he is even here? Who is he talking to?!"


Camilla taps my shoulder and I jump in fear.

"Oh it's you" I say pressing my hand to my chest.

"Um yeah... We should get back to class!"

"Yeah, let's go now" I say.


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I am updating three times a day at the most because I really need to finish this book before school starts😁

There will be about 50 parts and I have them all written out so I just need to post them🎀

Thanks for reading🌴 I really appreciate it☀️I can't believe you still read my books😂 i thought i was being boring but I guess not


byeee, xox Mayma


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