Chapter 14- Kiss?

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Violetta's POV:

It's Monday morning. Instead of waking up to the sound of an alarm clock, I hear hurls and moans coming from the guest bathroom next door.

"Uhhh... Ewww" I thought to myself as someone was probably vomiting in the toilet..

I got up and tiptoed to the door.

"Hello? Who is in there? Are you okay?" I asked.

The door opened and Angie came out of the door.

"Sorry Vilu... For using your bathroom..."

"Aw angie... I have to get ready in there! School is gonna start!"

"Can I just ask... Why are you so excited to go to school today?" She says raising her brow.

"Um... No reason..." I say thinking of Leon.

Of course, I'm excited to see him again... but right now I'm too busy worrying about Angie.

"Maybe you need to see a doctor" I suggested.

"It's just stomach flu Vilu, don't worry" Angie assures me smiling.

"Well I hope you feel better soon" I say as Angie coughs a wet cough into her arm.

"Me too..." She says walking back to her room.

I quickly take my tooth brush and paste out of the stinky bathroom and run downstairs to brush my teeth in the kitchen sink.


I strip out of my pajamas and wear a flowery dress.

I curl my hair and apply some makeup.

Heading downstairs, I see Angie laying on the couch with dad beside her.

"Goodmorning" says my dad.

"Goodmorning Papa" I say smiling.

My smile fades as Angie passes out on the couch.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask.

"Don't worry Vilu, everything will be fine" my dad says smiling at me.

"Okay, see you Angie. Hope you get well" I say glancing at her slowly opening her eyes.

"Thanks..." She says moaning.


I walk to school nervously and see Tomas and Ludmilla sitting on a park bench.

Ludmilla gets really close to Tomas and smiles as Tomas awkwardly moves away.

He runs over to me and I pretend that I wasn't watching.

"Hey Vilu! Can I walk with you inside?" He asks happily.

"Sure" I say laughing.

We walk side by side into the hallway and Federico comes up to us.

"Hey Vilu! You know where my girlfriend is?"

"Outside" says Tomas pointing.

Federico slightly glares at him and mumbles "Thanks..."


Me and Tomas walk into the music room and play a familiar song.

Para todo, para nada

por si aciertas, por si fallas

tienes todo lo que hay que tener

para ser quien quieras

contra todo, contra nada

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